Things I Want to Do

  • Introduction to drawing
  • Competitive Programming
  • Bookshelf of Desired Specialized Books
  • Bookshelf of Works I Want to Read (Novels, Movies, Games, etc.)
  • Mathematical Girl
    • I want to finish reading all volumes by March.
  • Creating Something with React
    • I want to grow my GitHub contributions every day.
    • I haven’t been writing much code lately.
    • Wikichase
    • Dynamically Modifying UserCSS
    • ScrapboxHomeUtil
  • Create reverse import feature for scrapbox-duplicator
  • School Staff Database Scrapbox

Miscellaneous Tasks

  • Completed 2021 tax return
  • Get a My Number Card
  • Write a self-introduction

Books to Read This Week

  • Introduction to Structuralism
  • Mathematical Girl: Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem
  • Introduction to drawing

What Will My Future Life Be Like?

  • For now, I’ll have a full-time schedule with Nota Internship Spring 2022.
    • It seems like being a little busy is just right, as having too much free time without good time management would be wasted.
    • It’s also good to have something to distract me during the waiting period for exam results.
  • The rest of my time will be spent on implementing Wikichase and managing My Bookshelf/Bookshelf of Works I Want to Read (Novels, Movies, Games, etc.).
  • I don’t have a strong motivation for competitive programming, so it’s fine if I don’t allocate specific time for it.
    • I can always do it again if I feel like it.


  • Reply to the student council


  • Reply to messages
  • Understand Flux


  • Comment on the proposal
  • Work on the Scrapbox for parents