• I want to transfer TwitterToBluesky (blu3mo).
  • Procedure:
    • Use Zapier to create a flow that retrieves new Twitter posts and tweets them to Bluesky using Python code.
      • I don’t know much about the Twitter API, so I didn’t want to touch it too much.
      • Since Zapier is handling it for me, I’m grateful to use it.
  • What is currently working:
    • Posting the tweeted text to Bluesky.
  • What is currently not working:
    • Posting links in a clickable blue format.
    • Posting the original link.
      • Instead of the original link, the shortened link by Twitter (t.co/~~) is being posted to Bluesky.
    • Posting images or videos.
      • The link t.co/~~ is being posted to Bluesky.
  • How to do it:
    • Create the following Zap in Zapier:
      • image
      • image image
      • The Python code for the Action is as follows:
        • Put your username and password in ATP_USERNAME and ATP_PASSWORD.
          • I don’t want to write the password directly, but I have to because using environment variables in Zapier requires a paid plan.
          • As long as you don’t intentionally make it public, the code will be kept private.
            • Please let me know if I’m wrong. 🙇
        • (I am not responsible if you leak your password by entering it here) zapier.py
import requests
import datetime

ATP_HOST = "https://bsky.social" # Change host if you're using other PDS
ATP_USERNAME = "" # Your username, without @
ATP_PASSWORD = "" # Your password

def fetch_external_embed(uri):
        response = requests.get(uri)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            html_content = response.text

            title_match = re.search(r'<title>(.+?)</title>', html_content, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
            title = title_match.group(1) if title_match else ""

            description_match = re.search(r'<meta[^>]+name=["\']description["\'][^>]+content=["\'](.*?)["\']', html_content, re.IGNORECASE)
            description = description_match.group(1) if description_match else ""

            return {
                "uri": uri,
                "title": title,
                "description": description
            print("Error fetching the website")
            return None
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        return None

def find_uri_position(text):
    pattern = r'(https?://\S+)'
    match = re.search(pattern, text)

    if match:
        uri = match.group(0)
        start_position = len(text[:text.index(uri)].encode('utf-8'))
        end_position = start_position + len(uri.encode('utf-8')) - 1
        return (uri, start_position, end_position)
        return None

def login(username, password):
    data = {"identifier": username, "password": password}
    resp = requests.post(
        ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.server.createSession",

    atp_auth_token = resp.json().get('accessJwt')
    if atp_auth_token == None:
        raise ValueError("No access token, is your password wrong?")

    did = resp.json().get("did")

    return atp_auth_token, did

def post_text(text, atp_auth_token, did, timestamp=None):
    if not timestamp:
        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
    timestamp = timestamp.isoformat().replace('+00:00', 'Z')

    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + atp_auth_token}

    found_uri = find_uri_position(text)
    if found_uri:
        uri, start_position, end_position = found_uri
        facets = [
                "index": {
                    "byteStart": start_position,
                    "byteEnd": end_position + 1
                "features": [
                        "$type": "app.bsky.richtext.facet#link",
                        "uri": uri
        # taking over 1 sec, so this cannot be used in Zapier
        # embed = {
        #     "$type": "app.bsky.embed.external",
        #     "external": fetch_external_embed(uri)
        # }

    data = {
        "collection": "app.bsky.feed.post",
        "$type": "app.bsky.feed.post",
        "repo": "{}".format(did),
        "record": {
            "$type": "app.bsky.feed.post",
            "createdAt": timestamp,
            "text": text,
            "facets": facets,
            # "embed": embed

    resp = requests.post(
        ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.createRecord",

    return resp

def main(input_data):
    if (input_data['TWEET_TEXT'][0] == '@'):
        print("Tweet starting with @, not posting to ATP")
        return []

    atp_auth_token, did = login(ATP_USERNAME,  ATP_PASSWORD)
    print(atp_auth_token, did)
    post_resp = post_text(input_data['TWEET_TEXT'], atp_auth_token, did)

# to test locally# input_data = {"TWEET_TEXT": "post test https://t.co"}


Below are some notes I found when researching:

- I want to embed a link.
    - Technically, it's possible, but it doesn't work with Zapier because it takes more than 1 second.
    - [https://gist.github.com/blu3mo/ecb735b16b12395166eec452c5816fb3](https://gist.github.com/blu3mo/ecb735b16b12395166eec452c5816fb3)

- I want to make the links blue.
    - [https://github.com/penpenpng/skylight/blob/650330bddbbfbd1c165010e881ef1382f713aa60/src/lib/bsky.ts#L9](https://github.com/penpenpng/skylight/blob/650330bddbbfbd1c165010e881ef1382f713aa60/src/lib/bsky.ts#L9)
        - The "entities" used by Skylight is deprecated.
        - Instead, there is "richtext".
            - [https://atproto.com/lexicons/app-bsky-feed](https://atproto.com/lexicons/app-bsky-feed)
            - I see, I'm starting to understand how it works (blu3mo).
            - With "type:ref" or "union", you can refer to other types in "ref/refs".

- [https://github.com/ianklatzco/atprototools/blob/4674370b7a5766b5106eb5e7a433c3fae817a6c1/atprototools/__init__.py#L27](https://github.com/ianklatzco/atprototools/blob/4674370b7a5766b5106eb5e7a433c3fae817a6c1/atprototools/__init__.py#L27)
    - It's posting in Python.
    - It's simply sending a post request to `ATP_HOST + "/xrpc/com.atproto.repo.createRecord"`.
        - [[xrpc]] is an HTTP-based communication protocol, so you can just send a regular post request (blu3mo).
            - [https://atproto.com/specs/xrpc](https://atproto.com/specs/xrpc)