I’ve been interested in Haskell and other Functional Programming Languages for a while, so I decided to learn them.
Setting up the environment seems troublesome on m1, so for now I’ll write code on repl.it.
Does this mean that if statements and variable declarations are all functions?
- Interesting (blu3mo)
It’s like type classes and protocols in Swift.
- Haskell’s Eq is similar to Swift’s Equatable.
- It feels very “mathematical”.
- Not so much mathematics itself, but more like a “mathematical” language for handling numbers created by mathematicians(?)
- I don’t really understand the way it is expressed.
- The mechanisms (Lazy Evaluation, Referential Transparency) and the syntax (list comprehensions) as well.
- Not so much mathematics itself, but more like a “mathematical” language for handling numbers created by mathematicians(?)
- It’s fresh and very interesting.
- It feels like it’s clearing the fog in the programming language world(?).