
Reflecting on a time when I questioned or challenged a belief or idea, I remember doubting the possibility of creating a time machine. However, my fascination with futuristic concepts, fueled by my admiration for Doraemon’s time machine, led me to consider the idea seriously. I even expressed my desire to build a time machine on wish slips and other writings.

My belief in the feasibility of a time machine was further reinforced when I visited the Doraemon exhibition at the Future Museum and saw the time machine created by Dr. Inami. I was genuinely convinced of the possibility of building a time machine until around the age of seven.

As I grew older and gained a better understanding of physics, I began to view my childhood aspirations as mere fantasies. I realized that my understanding of the power of software implementation was limited at that time, and I hadn’t fully grasped the concept of creating something beyond just services.

Later on, while working on the Kineto project, which aimed to combine synchronous and asynchronous communication, I came to understand that a time machine was not a realistic possibility. However, I found the concept of a time machine intriguing due to the inherent believability issues it presented. This led me to explore new models through software implementation, contemplating the idea of using software as a time machine.

The underlying motivation for my thinking was sparked by my research on adaptability and being inspired by various studies that aimed to achieve seemingly impossible tasks through software. This broadened my understanding of the power of software and made me realize that there were many other possibilities beyond adaptability, such as virtual reality applications. This shift in my perception of the power of software was a significant event for me.

It takes a considerable amount of energy to overcome the belief that something is impossible. Therefore, it is crucial to reflect on the reasons and catalysts that enable us to challenge these beliefs. Understanding the process of how we come to believe that something is possible or impossible is essential and can be explored further in an essay.

In terms of structuring my thoughts, I believe it is important to focus on the most significant point, which is the current discussion. This includes describing the thought process, moments of realization, user testing, and discussions that have contributed to my current understanding.

However, I have concerns that if the project description becomes the main focus, it may overshadow the personal journey of self-discovery. Therefore, it is important to emphasize my thought process, the moment of inspiration, and the emotions I experienced when I had the initial idea.