• (tkgshn) I thought I was quoting a tweet, so I’ll introduce it.

  • It’s convenient, I use it a lot.

  • Thank you very much!! (clap)(clap)(clap)

  • (blu3mo)🙏

    • Installed it.
    • In this scrapbox, we generally manage people by their Twitter ID names, so I changed the link to the ID of the person who tweeted.
    • [/bluemountain-theme/Tweet Import Popup Menu](https://scrapbox.io/bluemountain-theme/Tweetを取り込むPopup menu)
    • Example:
      • I had forgotten the words “real-time class” and “on-demand class” because I used too many difficult words.

      • @blu3mo March 5, 2021

      • “blu3mo” becomes a link.
      • (Come to think of it, my name is the only one not managed by Twitter ID name..)
  • So, I don’t really understand userscript, so I want you to teach me how to customize it (tkgshn).

    • With [/bluemountain-theme/Tweet Import Popup Menu](https://scrapbox.io/bluemountain-theme/Tweetを取り込むPopup menu), it becomes like this:
    • But in addition to this, I want to add an icon (/icons/Twitter) to make the tweet quote more understandable.
      • (/icons/Twitter) It’s actually difficult because we have to achieve the same result in a non-standardized way.

      • @fukkyy March 6, 2021

        • To embed [/icons/Twitter.icon] at the beginning like this, which part should I modify?
        • I tried to decipher it, but it was difficult (((;◔ᴗ◔;)))
          • image
          • I’m really sorry for the inconvenience caused by the difficulty in reading… (clap)
      • (blu3mo)↓ convert.js
function convert({tweetInfo, indent}) {
  return [
    ...tweetInfo.content.map(text => `${indent}> [/icons/Twitter.icon]${text}`),
     //@blu3mo Add Twitter icon
    `${indent}> \t@[${tweetInfo.signatureID}] [${tweetInfo.date.href} ${tweetInfo.date.text}]`
    - It seems like it can be done (untested).