• Interview with Ikuei Takeuchi, the father of the untrodden who gave birth to Hiroichi Ochiai, on what is needed to be an “excellent engineer” - Engineer type | Job type

    • Here, Professor Takeuchi is mentioned.
  • It’s the ability to quickly acquire skills, or rather, the ability to master skills. People with metaskills can excel in using different languages than they were using before. They can thrive in other fields as well. In other words, they can change where they apply their technical skills as much as they want.

  • Being able to look at your skills from a bird’s eye view and make decisions like “Oh, there’s no future in this skill anymore. So, let’s move on to this one” is crucial for skilled engineers.

  • Many successful individuals who have nothing to do with what they did in the untrodden have achieved great success. This is possible because of metaskills. I think such people are true engineers.

  • Tō-san (Hiroichi Ochiai) may indeed be special, but he also possesses metaskills. He is a networking professional, but after completing the untrodden program, he studied subjects like law and economics unrelated to his field, significantly expanding his skills. That’s why he is where he is now. It’s like having a “magic wand.”

  • People who are quick to be interested in something new when they see greener grass on the other side. They might be working on web-related projects now, but if cryptocurrencies emerge, they think, “That looks interesting too,” and stray off the main path. These are the people who can study besides their main job. They can be seen as individuals who can easily be unfaithful to technology.

  • Moving to greener grass may seem easy, but it’s actually not something everyone can do. Even if the grass looks better on the other side, there are people like the fox in Aesop’s fable who refrain from reaching out, telling themselves, “It’s actually sour.” They self-regulate by saying, “It’s not relevant to me,” even if it seems good.

  • Good engineers don’t have that kind of hesitation. They can recklessly venture into new territories. There are many such individuals in the untrodden program.

  • Is (blu3mo) doing well enough?

    • Engaging in activities like “I want to spend 10-20% of my time and prioritize the value for customers to create something once” and making toys with LLM seem like training in that area.
    • While pursuing the former in research on Asymmetric Reality and practicing the latter in side projects like FractalReader, I hope to be able to excel in both about ten years from now https://t.co/L767YDD85j

    • @(blu3mo) [April 27, 2024](https://twitter.com/blu3mo/status/1784202837234164008?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)
  • I still don’t quite understand the concept yet~ (blu3mo)

    • It’s the ability to quickly acquire skills, or rather, the ability to master skills.

      1. There seems to be the skill of learning and 2) the skill of wanting to learn.