from /villagepump/フラクタル要約:2024/4/30 from FractalReader’s Operation Diary Fractal Summary: 2024/4/30

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    • While new user influx has stopped, there are around 50-100 repeat users.
      • This isn’t bad (/villagepump/blu3mo)(/villagepump/nishio)
      • Concerns lie in how long the decline in repeat users will continue.
      • From a business perspective, the question of whether repeat users will make payments is crucial (/villagepump/nishio)
        • There are cases where repeat users contribute to publicity, like in Scrapbox’s public projects, and cases where they don’t.
        • Previously mentioned the observation that “there are surprisingly few people posting summary results” from that perspective.
        • Probably users haven’t realized they can share summaries, so UI adjustments are needed (/villagepump/blu3mo)
        • Consider offering summary results in a gallery format for the free version, and if users prefer not to make them public, they can pay for it (/villagepump/bsahd)
          • pros
            • Some people seem to value the aspect of “not being made public,” so it might be worth considering (/villagepump/blu3mo)
          • cons
            • On the other hand, posting galleries on your own site doesn’t seem likely to go viral (/villagepump/blu3mo)
            • Also, displaying original text + summaries of others’ works in a gallery is not appropriate (/villagepump/blu3mo)
              • How are copyright issues handled in this kind of user-generated content? (/villagepump/blu3mo)
              • Ah, I see, it’s a problem if the original text is often the work of others (/villagepump/nishio)
        • Viral
      • Currently, we haven’t measured the number of users who would pay for continued use if they can input over 20,000 characters but not if there’s a character limit (/villagepump/blu3mo)
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    • Summary request numbers per day
    • It’s unclear which timezone the divisions are in. Maybe GMT?
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    • Summary request numbers per hour
  • [/nishio/MemoChat: Tuning LLMs to Use Memos for Consistent Long-Range Open-Domain Conversation]( Tuning LLMs to Use Memos for Consistent Long-Range Open-Domain Conversation)