Life Improvement
September 9, 2022
I feel like I have been very lazy lately, so I want to establish a rhythm of working on my assignments diligently.
I think One-Week Sprint Page with Session + Scrapbox has been the most effective method so far, so I will resume using it for now.
Daily Schedule
- Since classes start at 8:40 in the morning, I want to aim to wake up at 7:00 every morning.
- I want to have a healthy daily routine.
- On Mondays and Wednesdays, I want to go for a morning walk/run after having breakfast.
- For now, I’ll start with something easy, like going to Ferris and then walking or running along the river.
- If I seriously commit to waking up at 7:00, it seems like I will have to go to bed by 24:00.
- I want to finish everything by 23:00 and use the time from 23:00 to 24:00 as a buffer or for my second domain.
- I don’t think it’s a good idea to take a large portion in order to get enough nutrients.
- I think it’s not a healthy rule design if there is no incentive for the behavior of “taking smaller portions but having three meals a day”..w(blu3mo).
- When I take three cookies with me for the next few days, I end up eating all of them within the same day.
- So I should not take more than what I plan to eat on that day.
- Nutrition management
- I don’t think it’s a good idea to take a large portion in order to get enough nutrients.
- I’m falling behind quite a bit, it’s bad.
- UW: I haven’t been able to read enough for it.
- Physics: I haven’t been able to read it.
- Math/DS/Chemistry are somewhat manageable.
- For now, I will focus on catching up by September 14.
- I want to do it before office hours or REC sessions.
- I’m falling behind quite a bit, it’s bad.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday