
  • A brainstorming session I wrote around March 2020, for Untrodden 2020.

  • Looking back, it’s really messy.

  • I just dumped everything here for now.

  • About Notes: Note

image image KJ Method

  • Use Brainstorming Cards from Kayak to generate ideas.

  • Start by coming up with a lot of ideas, and then build on each one using different cards.

  • Notes

  • Share notes with multiple people.

    • A huge note where each user can only see a part of it.
  • Provided bubbles that connect to achieve ①.

    • When you pull a bubble, it splits and synonyms come out.
  • Sound effects while writing.

    • Reflects the mood at that time.
  • If you stop writing, the notes disappear (copying).

    • On the contrary, random characters are written, making it more messy (if not written).
  • Deliberately challenge to memorize without writing in the notes, and write them down after returning home.

    • Fill in a mark sheet format.
  • Design with a brush pen.

    • Write like a manga explaining to a certain character.
  • Write in a three-dimensional space selected with a brush.

    • If you can create a 3D model with a brush, you can use it in the notes.
  • No words come out without putting in effort, Fitness.

    • With the illusion of traction force, you feel like you’re being pulled.
  • Attach parts to a ball like decorating a snowman.

    • As the number of attachments increases, the ball/characters gradually light up.
  • Deliberately write using antonyms => Use your brain.

  • Economy within students.

  • Login bonus.

  • Get it by raising your hand.

  • Memorization

    • Make it appear as if you can memorize more than usual.
      • Similar to juggling.
    • Associate with the surrounding scenery, etc.
    • Show it at the edge of your field of view and unconsciously answer?
      • This is the strength of having a flexible field of view like this.
    • Visualize the position of words, with more information in three dimensions.
  • Things I want to do

    • VR
    • Interface
    • Education
      • Specific to high school?
        • Small-scale community
      • Interested in the aspect of inputting knowledge.
    • Utilize it in a way that has not been done before.
  • Create the flow of learning (understand the overall picture, understand, memorize) all together.

    • Separate the parts used in school and at home, and use devices at home.
    • The current challenge is that handwritten data is often difficult to digitize.
    • What is the essence of learning?
    • Calm technology.
    • Each classroom.
    • Lesson design.
  • Existing steps

    • Understand information while writing notes.

    • Use those notes for memorization or create other flashcards, etc.

    • It’s better to make your own tools for memorization.

  • Notes with gravity.

    • Each topic is floating and has weight.
  • Attach or tear off information bubbles.

    • Synthesis algorithm.
  • Interface for learning.

  • The dimensions of notes.

    • One-dimensional is like Docs, etc.
    • Two-dimensional is something that can be moved freely.
    • Three-dimensional is…
  • Notes that can be programmed, functions, etc.

  • If weights are assigned to each unit, memory levels and storage can be achieved.

  • Use notes that explain notes for demos.

  • Flip everything except the essence and achieve the essence.

  • Focus on a few essential points.

  • Learn a lot by creating logical structures yourself.

  • Encircle words with circles and draw arrows to create a map.

  • Create the same effect as notes with typing.

  • Notes to remember the content of whiteboards, etc.

    • Write notes while recording the whiteboard video.
  • Use a projector to project a wide range onto the notes.

  • Interaction between bubbles, changing one affects others.

  • Structure with bubbles, amino acids.

  • Writing on bubbles.- Bubbles need to be physically supported by other bubbles.

  • Linking the sense of bubbles.

  • Enveloping in a vortex.

  • Folding and unfolding of information.

  • Inserting into a notebook = folding and compressing in three dimensions.

  • Islands, tangible.

  • Plants of information.

  • The good thing about exhibitions is that things outside the focus also come into view.

    • Records.
  • Writing notes on post-its and projecting the relationships onto a mind map.

  • Foldable iPad notebook.

  • Inconvenient to write everything in the same notebook because it cannot be searched.

  • Handwriting allows you to visualize biological diagrams and increases insights.

  • The relevance of going to the site during a trip.

    • Photos taken on-site vs. street view.
  • As you write, you can vaguely see your past related notes.

  • I recently realized how incredible the amount of invisible information is.

  • The hypothesis that handwritten characters contain more information than ASCII codes and therefore deepen thinking.

  • Able to stop time in reality.


Ideas brainstormed during the Unten application:

  • Ultimate goal: Make notes more useful for learning.

    • Evaluation criteria:
      • Will it be memorable?
        • It is better to use your brain by summarizing and encoding the information.
        • However, when brainstorming ideas, there is no need to copy everything down.
      • Will there be learning?
        • Learning in an IB-like manner.
        • The Learning Pyramid suggests that creating, analyzing, and evaluating are more effective for learning than just remembering.
      • Input efficiency
        • Speed
        • Effort
        • Amount of energy required
      • These criteria may conflict with each other.
  • Approach: Something like Digital Nature.

    • Make digital information as rich as analog information.
    • This requires knowledge of AI/statistics, which I find challenging.
  • Places to generate ideas:

    • Methods of input/output (not limited to text)
      • When writing:
        • Able to write freely (not constrained by formatting)
        • Highlighting
        • Encourages summarization
        • Moderate cognitive load
        • Activates the brain
        • Easy to edit
        • Contains information
      • When reading:
        • Recalls memories from that moment
        • Easy to understand
        • Moderate cognitive load (brain activation?)
    • Output media
      • Supports associations

      • Supports spatial memory

      • Adjusts reading speed

      • Enhances memorability

      • Handwriting

        • Activates the brain
        • Has cognitive load
        • Less distracted by other tasks
        • Encourages summarization and encoding
        • Allows for changes
          • Expresses individuality

          • The appearance of the characters can change depending on the situation

            • Position and other factors are remembered
          • Can incorporate personal intentions, such as writing larger or bolder

          • Can be influenced by environmental sounds or ambient noise

          • Can be influenced by heart rate/temperature (wearable)

          • Pen orientation

          • Analog changes, not limited to 0s and 1s

          • With ink, you can instruct everything almost simultaneously as you write. You can write “a” here and there as much as you like. WIRED

        • Cons
          • Time-consuming
          • Editing positions on iPad or similar devices is tedious (changes don’t propagate easily)
          • May be able to include more information
      • Keyboard

        • Contains less information, just character codes
        • Removing characters will result in added characters later.
      • Third method

        • Including information with a keyboard
        • Including information in handwriting
        • Constant recording
        • Introducing lag to the keyboard
          • Processing time in the brain is still necessary, but perhaps it can be utilized more effectively than with a pen
          • Encourages summarization, but does not activate the brain as much
          • Cannot make fine adjustments to position.- Typing text on the area being viewed by eye tracking
  • Unable to express

    • Gathering information with sensors such as eye tracking
  • Remarks

    • When there are multiple input methods, it is harder to remember. For example, typing while video chatting and handwriting notes.
  • Output media

    • Currently paper or display

    • Ideas

      • Projector projection
    • Supporting associations

  • Use cases

    • Putting everything into one notebook
      • Mr. KRY: Chronological order
      • Mother: Categorization + chronological order
    • iPad notes
      • Same usage as paper
  • Ideas

    • Writing on paper with projector projection (does not require a tablet)

    • Hand movements

    • Converting voice into handwritten text

    • Is character transformation technically difficult? & The effect is also unclear

    • In that case, what can be done is

    • Repurposing existing SNS#repurposing for different fields

      • For example, wikipedia + youtube = scrapbox
      • tiktok (quickly viewing classroom scenes in full screen, short, random (expands thinking))
      • Similar to Instagram Stories
      • Video editing
      • cookpad => kurasiru
      • Using zenly’s map as a textbook
      • Representing relationships by changing the size of text
    • Issue:

      • Thoughts are chaotic
        • Solution: KJ method
        • However, it is bulky and cannot be used in class
        • =>