SubjectMaxGoalMinSundai Mock Exam
Common Test English200190190I don’t know, maybe around 190
Common Test Japanese200150130129 (96+33)
Common Test Physics100907058
Common Test Chemistry100504037
Common Test Mathematics20016013099 (52+49)
Common Test Ethics Politics and Economics100807072
Total900720 (80%)630 (70%)585 (65%)
  • I want to reconsider how to take the test.
    • Goal: Score above 80% (University of Tokyo recommendation benchmark)
      • Minimum threshold: 70% (Some people have passed the University of Tokyo recommendation with this score)
    • Score distribution
SubjectMaxGoalMinCommon Test 2020Common Test 2021
Common Test English200190190190
Common Test Japanese20014012090
Common Test Physics10080706557
Common Test Chemistry1007050Impossible
Common Test Mathematics2001601301A:65
Common Test Ethics Politics and Economics1008070Impossible
    - Note: This is just a distribution based on the goal score, and it is not known whether it can be achieved.
- After roughly planning, I want to confirm with a teacher whether it is reasonable and achievable.
    - After solving past exams once.
    - Is there anyone who understands both IB and Common Test?
- Friends in Japan
    - It seems like they aim for math 120, physics, and chemistry 50-60.
    - Classical Chinese and Japanese Literature seems difficult, even for those who seem capable.
- Social studies teacher
    - Ethics, Politics, and Economics: Can you reach 70% if you solve past exams 5 times?

  • Important: Apply collectively at school in autumn!

  • 20210116

    • Trying to solve the one for the 2021 academic year within my current range.

    • History/Social Studies

      • I don’t feel like I can solve it, so I stopped.
    • Japanese

      • Half of it is modern literature and the other half is classical Chinese literature.
      • I can’t handle classical Chinese literature, so I only did modern literature.
      • As a result, I scored 90/100.
        • Half of the mistakes are in reading comprehension and the other half are in kanji.
        • It seems like a waste of time to spend time on kanji.
      • I guess it’s pretty good.
    • English

    • Continued: Common Test 2020

Subjects for the exam Common Test Japanese Common Test Mathematics