I think you’re looking at obuchi_yuki, kyoto_mast21, etc.
I thought the same while watching NHK’s program on Dnobori.
I want to have the determination to keep writing code and keep my hands moving.
It’s probably a matter of consciousness.
- Towards the end of 未踏, I was writing a lot of code even at school. I want to always have that level of excitement.
- It was actually fun at that time.
Well, it’s not necessary to do everything alone. It’s also good to collaborate with people who are strong in those areas.
- In that regard, the synergy between nztm and YukiMihashi is great.
I want to channel this frustration into energy.
- But right now, it’s really tough (21022x).
- Ah, well, maybe this is the cause of it.
- I do have free time, though.
- But right now, it’s really tough (21022x).
Instead of letting ideas like Kineto’s features or rough ideas sleep, I want to add them to the Sprint and implement them.
- This is important (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo).
The reason I want the ability to implement is that it allows for speedy hypothesis testing through hands-on experience.
Maybe this should take priority over Expertise?
- It’s something that can’t be directly learned at University.
- (Although it might be possible to learn at mast or sfc)
Around 21040x, I want to take a step back and reflect.
- I was busy with EE, so not much happened.
- But I did create prototypes for DelayChat.
i.e. I want to have a Degree of Devil.
- I want to maintain a balance between Angelness and Devilness.