Newspeak in 1984
- The concept of limiting thought through language
- I thought this was similar to modern programming languages
- It becomes a grammar or library (vocabulary) that makes it difficult to write in a messy way
- To become Good Code
- The concept of limiting thought through language
from From Newspeak to Cyberspeak: A History of Soviet Cybernetics
A language bound by the Ideology of the Soviet Union
Connecting scientists, politicians, and philosophers
Words should only have descriptive meanings, and the evaluation of words such as good and bad should change depending on the context and the reader’s values
- The state of goodness or badness that “internationalism” holds can differ depending on the context and the reader
However, in Newspeak, words are associated with evaluations of good and bad
- Internationalism is associated with goodness
- Even with the same meaning, cosmopolitanism is associated with badness
- Even with antonyms, patriotism is associated with goodness, while nationalism is associated with badness
- This represents antonyms of descriptive meaning on the top and evaluative meaning on the left and right
- Left represents goodness, right represents badness
- This represents antonyms of descriptive meaning on the top and evaluative meaning on the left and right
- Internationalism is associated with goodness
These are called “ideologemes”
Having two “antonyms” in this situation creates ambiguity in Language
- By manipulating Newspeak, any claim can be made “ideologically good” p25