GKA (Digitalization Committee) (GKA Digital Committee) (GKA Digitalization Committee)

This is where I will accumulate miscellaneous notes, and when it gets too large, I will create a new page.

  • [Page in the Format of Adding Information on Top], with older information at the bottom.

  • I have accumulated logs since the early planning stage.

  • [Succession], I think it was better than FLL, but I don’t feel like we did well.

    • Hmm, I’m not sure if there was a correct answer.
  • Scrapbox didn’t work out very well.

    • I thought [Notion] might be more suitable, but now I’m not so sure.
    • Maybe the “organizational image we were aiming for” and “an organization that suits Scrapbox” align with each other.
      • In that case, I think the reason it didn’t work out was that we couldn’t achieve the “organizational image we were aiming for.”
      • The committee itself became quite top-down.
      • In comparison, [CCC] was relatively bottom-up, and the writing on Scrapbox was going well.
  • /tkgshn-private/When it comes to “education,” not everyone can be at the top, so we need to create “spectators”

    • I’ll think about it later.
  • I thought it might have been better if, as a general rule, we studied on our own and then talked about what we learned and showed the things we made during the weekly committee activities.

    • Based on the conversations during the CCC interview, it seems like they wanted opportunities and some form of compulsion.
  • I wrote something like this when I was a first-year student (I found it when organizing my Drive) (aka)

  • SNS post

    • #cccu22

    • (When I tweet it properly,)

    • I received the PLAID Award and the Grand Prize at the Civictech Challenge Cup U-22! 🙏🙏🙏

    • The Civictech activities we are conducting at school have also been exciting due to the development and awards this summer, and I am truly grateful. 🙇‍♂️

    • Personally, I think it was a good decision to entrust coding to five beginners other than myself.

  • It’s a very cliché thing to say, but I thought it was nice that we could help each other with our weaknesses when working as a team.

    • The presenters were definitely the right choice.
    • The award comments were also appropriate, haha.
  • What made me happy towards the end was that ideas like “If we do xx, the product will improve” or “We can solve this problem with xx” naturally came up without needing a separate discussion.

    • This was also evident during the Q&A session.
  • [CCCu22], Grand Prize + [PLAID] Award!!!!!!

    • We did it.
    • Seriously?
    • Oh my god.
    • This is insane.
    • Thank you very much.
    • (It’s strange to have to think about this, but) I feel like I should note down the scenes and emotions because they can be used in an essay.
      • We presented using Room 204.
      • After that, we moved down and waited for the results.
        • Honestly, I thought we might only get one.
          • We were happy with the PLAID award, and it was like “Good job, everyone.”
      • I never expected to receive the Grand Prize.
        • Everyone was very excited.
        • We jumped up when the results were announced.
  • It may be different for me to say this in my position, but I feel like we received it as a result of thinking about [The Idea of Who to Praise for the Growth of an Industry].

    • (Industry = the civic tech community)
    • Everyone around me was extremely excited, and we were all celebrating together.
      • Our motivation skyrocketed.
      • Thanks to this, I think our future civic tech activities at school will become even more lively.- Personally, now that it has come to this, I feel the need to seriously consider How to Continue GKADC from 2022.
    • In a positive sense, it has become inevitable to continue, haha.
  • It will probably be easier to receive support from the school.

  • I think it was also a team that benefited greatly from receiving the “Grand Prize”.

  • I think it’s a role model example of a startup-like committee that aka was talking about.

    • I am reflecting on not being able to do much in terms of design.
    • Through competitions like this, I realized the importance of placing the motivation of committee members outside of the school (which has always been a challenge). It seems like this can be utilized in other committees as well.
    • It seems good to have about six people working as a team.
    • I also thought that they did a good job of balancing the completion of the service and the sustainability of the committee (even without a strong leader).
  • I thought it was like team management, parallel processing programming.

    • It’s tough because I’m not used to it yet.
    • However, I also thought it was powerful.
      • (Although it’s not ideal,) when we all worked on writing the draft of the presentation just before the rehearsal, we finished it in 10 minutes.
      • It may be obvious considering the number of people, but I was a little surprised.
  • From this experience, I feel like I can learn something about the concept of “Done is better than perfect” and how to create things roughly.

    • If I had been doing this development alone, I feel like I would have focused more on heavy implementation and ended up failing without completing it.
    • It was because I assumed that I would assign tasks to beginners that I was able to make such judgments.
    • I think this kind of thinking is important during the prototyping phase.
  • I’m still not used to assigning tasks to others.

    • I’m still not used to handling the “responsibility” when assigning tasks to others.
      • I can’t simply say, “I told you to do it, so it’s okay. If you didn’t do it, it’s their responsibility (not mine).” That’s not right.
      • However, I’m still not clear on how to handle it properly.
  • When I think about it calmly, even if someone who tends to finish tasks at the last minute imitates the role of a project manager, the same thing will happen within the team, haha.

    • I should have had someone else do it, lol.
  • Well, as a premise, I think it was wrong to do it alone in the first place.

    • So, it’s important to avoid a structure where it becomes 1 vs many, at the very least.
  • Running an organization is difficult.

    • Well, I started doing it to experience that.
  • People who actively open up about what they are thinking are definitely easier to work with from our perspective as well.

    • It’s easier to understand when their emotions are a bit exaggerated.
    • Personally, I realized that it was difficult for mentors to deal with me because I was the type who didn’t open up about such things.
      • (I thought I should be more open in basi.)
  • It’s difficult to understand how motivated someone is and what they are looking for.

    • Also, even if they are motivated, they probably don’t prioritize GKADC as their top priority in life, so it’s important to grasp that level of commitment from the other person’s perspective.
  • Regarding the problem of I’m not good at interfering with others when I’m not sure if I’m right, in this case, I had an overwhelmingly advantageous position, so this problem didn’t arise.

In my class, I target first-year undergraduate students who are not from an engineering background and have almost no programming experience. I use six sessions to start with basics of programming and then proceed to group work where they create their own projects using sensors and actuators. Finally, we have a presentation where they evaluate each other. The goal is for them to experience programming as a means of problem-solving. https://t.co/FHoKGnUhCc @abee2 May 31, 2021

  • “Experiencing programming as a means of problem-solving,” that’s what I thought!- “I asked people to write about their daily frustrations and ideas, but no one seems to be writing.”

    • I don’t know if it’s simply too much trouble or if they just can’t think of anything.
    • If it’s the latter, maybe they should try using something like Brainstorming Cards.
  • After I graduate, I want to think about sustainable ways to continue GKADC.

  • As for the direction we should aim for, I still think it should be Civictech-oriented.

    • I wonder if it’s okay to call ourselves CodeForGKA.
    • Actually, it might be a good idea to get involved in Civictech in Ota City as well (eventually).
  • https://www.line-community.me/ja/questions

    • It’s great that you can ask questions here.
  • It seems important to be able to troubleshoot problems through debugging.

I think that “opportunities to learn” are important in order to ignite people who are interested in making things but haven’t started yet, and to encourage them to confidently immerse themselves in the “swamp”. One way to achieve this is to expand the Maker Faire. @Nyanyan_Cube April 14, 2021

  • It might be important to show a lot of existing ideas.

  • Mob Programming seems interesting, even if it’s done as a team.

  • Having goals is important for creating excitement.

    • IPSJ posters seem like a good goal.
      • Surprisingly, the hurdle is low.
  • It would be good to show the Ion Bus bot as something that can be created at the beginning.

  • Can we balance both nurturing underclassmen and improving the school?

  • Actually, I don’t know much about the underclassmen. How many people can actually write programs?

  • Name options:

    • DX Committee
      • It has both the good and bad buzzword feel of DX.
    • IT Committee
      • It feels a bit mediocre.
    • Tech Committee
    • Digital Committee
  • Purpose:

    • To create an environment where GKADC middle and high school students who are interested in information-related topics can deepen their interests.
      • Provide opportunities, information, and community.
      • Opportunities:
        • It’s difficult to secure users even if you create something.
        • In school, you automatically have about 500 potential users.
          • If you create something good, 500 people can use it.
        • I think this is really important. Personally, man10 Server was quite like this.
          • If you create a game, there are always around 60-100 people playing on the server.
        • Besides, it’s easier and more enjoyable to create something that doesn’t exist in GKA yet rather than something that doesn’t exist in the world.
        • It also differentiates us from Life is Tech and others.
          • Whether differentiation is necessary is another question.
      • Information:
        • There are many ways society is incredibly kind to middle and high school students interested in programming, but they won’t be able to enjoy it if they don’t know about it.
        • Undiscovered Jr.
        • Master of Information Science
        • Github Student Pack
        • Sechack365
        • etc…
      • Community:
        • A place where you can have geeky(?) conversations.
        • I think this is a very difficult challenge.
    • If it goes well, it could contribute to improving the image of the student council in the office, as it can directly benefit the school more than design, etc.
      • I don’t know if this really matters, but it could have its merits.
    • As a general rule, identify and solve problems for the purpose of nurturing.
      • This is different from other fields where something is born when you start working on it.
      • However, it takes a lot of energy to discover and solve problems where there aren’t any significant issues to begin with.
      • In that case, it might be better to set some tasks here.
        • Well, we won’t know until we gather people and try, and then we can decide how to use them.
  • Things to consider:

    • Whether to include the objective of getting people who are not interested to become interested.
      • The fun of creating things, for example.
      • If there are already enough people who are interested, there’s no need to go out of our way to do it (capacity overload).
    • I want to think about whether I would have been happy if this existed when I was in 7th grade.
    • An environment where you can only create useful tools would be boring.- If each person has their own project, they can bring it in freely. If they don’t have any specific ideas, they can work on useful tools or something similar.
  • They can propose concepts with a science fiction feel, and then we can turn those concepts into achievable forms. However, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to do this on my own. I should show them the technologies that can be used and let them decide.

  • Honestly, there isn’t much point in studying technology in a lecture format. I think it’s more interesting for each person to study different things.

  • For example, game development with Unity, creating useful tools with iOS or Linebot, creating interesting tools with iOS, Linebot, Scratch, etc., machine learning, creating mathematical models, hardware-related projects with EV3, Raspberry Pi, etc. If it’s a field I’m not familiar with, I can study it alongside them. My job is to help them while showing them a roadmap.

  • Some things to discuss as a group:

    • GKA students have a significant advantage in being able to speak English. (To lower the barrier)
    • It’s not as difficult as they might think. Engineers tend to share information and are generally helpful, so the information is available on the internet. With good search skills, they can figure things out.
    • Different fields require different areas of study.
    • Different platforms use different languages and frameworks, although the languages are similar.
    • The concepts of front-end and back-end development, as well as layers, should be discussed.
    • We could also talk about automation and customization that can be achieved with software. We can simplify this topic.
  • The main issue is the initiative of the members. It doesn’t really matter if they study through lectures or technical books; the key is whether they can progress on their own. We can set topics to cover as a group and if they want to follow a specific course, they can attend lectures. The advantage is that we can adapt based on their understanding and they can passively progress. If someone has a specific project they want to work on, they can focus on that. Ideally, everyone should have this level of initiative.

  • I’m not sure about using resources like Progate or Rails Tutorial and expecting them to keep up. This is the part I don’t understand. I hope they find it interesting if we follow a tutorial like Rails Tutorial where they can see something being built. Make School’s learning materials might also be helpful.

  • I want them to try things like reviewing and pivoting their concepts, as well as user testing. It’s like dogfooding.

  • Money might be a concern. As long as they have a decent laptop, it should be fine. There’s also the open-source culture. If someone wants to work on hardware projects, it might be challenging for me to keep up. In that case, they can work on their own. I also want to have a collection of technical books. It would be nice to have a bookshelf with various fields of knowledge, like the ones you often see in IT companies. I can just put the books in my room, and it will free up space in the family bookshelf. I also want to make use of the Oculus, Leap Motion, Raspberry Pi, and other devices that are lying around at home.

  • Let’s keep a list of things they want to do or good ideas.

    • Things that would be useful for school:
      • It would be nice to know if teachers are currently at school. We can link it to an attendance record system.
      • There is very little information recorded between school years. The knowledge gained by seniors a year ago is not being utilized by their own grade. Something like round talk could help with this.
      • We should be able to handle money transactions more freely. For example, by making all transactions and loans open to prevent issues. We can solve the problems that led to these regulations and make things more free.
    • We should adopt a policy of open information.- Analysis of the teacher’s performance evaluation system
  • Fairness

  • Past exam question database for regular tests

  • Want to make “things that can be done if you’re on good terms with seniors” accessible to everyone lol

  • Akari said she wants a room booking system because the current one is not working well

  • Interesting ideas

    • Create an on-campus currency
    • Greeting robot (just a rough idea, but something along these lines)
  • Prank ideas (?)

  • Whether the design committee can be done in a tech-related way needs to be considered

  • If you’re in 9th grade, it can be a community project; if you’re an IB student, it can be part of CAS.

  • For now, I want to try working with a LINE Bot

    • It seems really cool
    • Can be done in various programming languages
    • Connects to daily life, with students as users
    • UI is not difficult, just returning text responses
      • If you want to work on UI, you can use LIFF
    • There are many case studies available
    • image
    • From there, there are various paths such as machine learning, robotics, databases, etc.
      • Natural language processing, image processing, etc.
      • It seems important to learn how to access APIs, which are assets of society (?)
    • Line Beacon is also interesting, can do things like when entering a classroom or going to school
      • Seems like it can track the teacher’s location as well

