@ssuge wrote:

When I reflect calmly, whether I’m thinking with pen and paper, using Scrapbox, or using Scapple or Miro, I’m essentially doing similar things. I repeatedly associate ideas while writing keywords and related short words, and try to extract the essence by expressing the same thing in different words. It’s rare to immediately see or extract something well in one shot. It’s only after continuously writing down my thoughts about it, filling at least a whole notebook, that a vague image finally emerges. Once I grasp that, I can finally start considering ideas based on actualization, but that’s where the long process begins. When thinking based on actualization, I spend hours looking at things I’ve tried, write down my thoughts in my notebook again, organize them, and perform conceptual organization. I focus on how to quickly switch between abstraction and concretization. I wanted to be conscious of something like “Exploration of Virtual Time”.


@ssuge wrote:

When I look back calmly, whether I’m thinking with pen and paper, using Scrapbox, or using Scapple or Miro, I’m essentially doing similar things. I repeatedly make associations while writing down keywords and related short words, and I try to extract the essence by expressing the same thing using different words. It’s rare to immediately see or extract something well in one go. It’s only after continuously writing down my thoughts about it, filling at least a whole notebook, that a vague image finally starts to emerge. Once I grasp that, I can finally begin considering ideas based on actualization, but that’s where the long process begins. When thinking based on actualization, I spend hours examining things I’ve tried, write down my thoughts in my notebook again, organize them, and perform conceptual organization. I focus on how to quickly switch between abstraction and concretization. I wanted to be mindful of something like “Exploration of Virtual Time”.