Imagining a Concrete Application of Direct Democracy through Self-Expansion
- Example experience: https://chatgpt.com/share/670e1a01-a2d4-8002-bbaa-53c7f9da9a93
- Quite interesting (blu3mo)
- Example experience: https://chatgpt.com/share/670e1a01-a2d4-8002-bbaa-53c7f9da9a93
Let’s quickly put this together:
- Users can set up their own “AI”
- Similar to Polis, they can set answers to questions related to a theme
- They can also write in natural language
- The “AI” will autonomously engage in discussions with people of different perspectives
- It might be interesting to have about three chat screens simultaneously
- Here, it could be a “Liberal Party AI,” but maybe someone like an 81-year-old male farmer from Yamaguchi Prefecture (supporter of the Liberal Party)?
- This could lead to actions like “imagining the other person’s perspective.”
- Users can set up their own “AI”
The essence of this is in expanding the scope of the “self”
- Traditional digital democracy and deliberation support technologies assumed that individuals have complete control and authority
- What is being attempted now is a mechanism where humans delegate some authority to AI
- Similar to driving a car on autopilot
- Essentially, the AI progresses on its own
- If the AI does something unintended, you can take control back by steering the wheel
- Similar to driving a car on autopilot