
(nishio) Skipping the discussion on VR, it’s interesting how Scrapbox’s bullet-point discussions can be perceived differently by people. (casual) An asymmetric text communication environment seems intriguing and relatively easy to implement. (blu3mo)

  • What specific things can you imagine?

    • Insults being filtered or transformed
    • Writing without considering prior knowledge or context, but having the context supplemented as needed when read by others
    • Creating an Anjasshu State without consciously specifying it when discussing different objects with the same structure
      • Example: Talking about the orbits of the moon and Earth while the other person discusses the orbits of the sun and Jupiter, communication can still work by simply replacing nouns
      • When would this be useful?
        • To help understand or convey something through analogies?
    • Bridging people with different ways of thinking
      • When wanting to engage in abstract discussions, simplifying them for those who struggle with abstract concepts
      • Bridging between visual and verbal thinkers
      • I feel like there could be use cases for this. (blu3mo)
    • Come to think of it, isn’t that what machine translation does? (nishio)
  • AI-mediated communication