• I feel like having it as a policy in life.
    • I feel happy when I have it.
  • Even with big choices, or even with light choices like what to have for lunch today.
  • Unexperienced = something that cannot be predicted.
  • Unexpectedness creates fun (from Kayak Workplace Experience).
  • When choosing a menu, for example, choose something that you don’t know what will happen 10 minutes later.
    • Choose a dish with a name you’ve never heard of rather than an omelette rice that you have eaten before.
  • I don’t think taking risks is the essence.
    • I feel like the essence is to have new experiences and gain new knowledge.
    • Living like The Mist of the World.
  • If we think in terms of seeking QoL rather than social status or income, I feel like this is important for my QoL.
  • I thought it would be nice to have a Gap Term like My_Liberty_, working part-time at a clothing store in Harajuku and interning at Universal Music.
  • I thought it was quite close to curiosity.
  • A way of life that increases uncertainty?
  • Personality that Prefers New Discoveries
    • It’s not just about the new experience itself, but also about finding joy in the discoveries made there.
