
from My Work Management

  • Thoughts after trying it three times
    • It’s great that I can manage tasks with Scrapbox.
      • I can link to other pages.
      • It’s convenient to have todos in a place I always open.
    • However, it was quite difficult to predict the tasks for the next 10 days, so I couldn’t really use it as a traditional sprint.
    • It seems better to only do tasks that I want to do every week.
      • In that case, the spreadsheet method we used during the pandemic seems more visually appealing.
        • Spreadsheet Sprint
        • Thanks to that sheet, we made significant progress during the school closures and online periods.
        • I think it was a copy of (momeemt)‘s method.
      • I should have written about study topics and books to read.
    • Also, if I write down todos that I want to do if I have time, the list becomes too long.
      • But if I don’t write them down, I feel anxious that the todos will disappear.
      • Spreadsheet Sprint is good in this regard because tasks don’t disappear as long as there are rows.
        • I want to incorporate this feature into Scrapbox effectively.
    • Furthermore, 10 days is not user-friendly.
      • So, I will operate it on a weekly basis.
      • I created pages for each week on the 2020 page (e.g., ~20210425).
    • Lastly, I am trying to manage tasks based on the number of hours.

The following are notes I made when considering how to do it:

  • Duration

    • One week?
    • Two weeks (as in Introduction)?
      • Is this a better timeframe for better visibility?
    • 10 days
      • When creating pages in Scrapbox or linking to the future, it can be done without considering the days of the week.
      • Start on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month, for example.
      • This seems good 👍
    • Well, let’s try it for now.
  • It seems good to have a moderate strictness (not too suffocating).

  • If I write down even the tasks that I might do if I have time, the mountain of tasks may seem overwhelming.

  • It seems good to mix in the second area as well.

  • Write down things that I don’t want to forget as this week’s action plan in the “Things to be aware of” section.

    • Delete them when I feel like I’ve accomplished them.
    • This might become a formality, but I’ll try it.
  • Things to write down

  • Method

    • It seems good to copy the previous week’s page every week.
    • Carry over the remaining tasks.
    • Also, keep the Todo page created when doing Project Management with Scrapbox.
      • In fact, this seems like a good way to manage personal todos as well.
    • Page names
      • For example, if it’s from 2021/2/21~, use 21022x.
      • Using slashes is cumbersome to type.
      • I want to make it easier.
  • It can be said that I am creating a timeline on Scrapbox.

    • I can link to the future on the timeline and send reminders.
    • It would be interesting to draw a graph network by lining up the sprints in a straight line if the sprint is successful.
      • It would show which nodes were involved at what point.