• Interesting discussions on the Philosophy of Deep Learning by blu3mo.
  • NYU and Columbia collaboration.
  • It seems like people from Reality+ are also participating, and I feel a desire to connect with them.
    • It might be a good idea to send an email in advance and express the desire to talk during or immediately after the event.


  • World Model is one of the approaches to reinforcement learning.
    • The discussion was about how LLM alone is not enough, and that there is a need for building such world models for intelligence.

Debate on whether sensory grounding is necessary for LLM to understand and think.

  • There has been a long-standing debate on whether sensory grounding is necessary for humans to understand and think, so it becomes a similar topic (by blu3mo).
    • Including topics such as sensism.

Thoughts by blu3mo.

  • Language input and output can be considered as sufficient sensing.
    • Whether the sensed information is in the form of language or images is not a significant issue.
      • Either way, it is digital data.