• Used the Gothic font in CSS.
    • I think it won’t work in environments without the font, except for mac, but it’s probably fine because it will only work in my own environment.
    • It’s not like you can’t see it even if the font is different.
    • image


 @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Zen+Maru+Gothic:&display=swap");
 .app.presentation .line.section-title {
 	font-family: "Zen Maru Gothic";
 	font-weight: 900;
 	font-size: 5vw;
 .app.presentation .line.line-title {
  	font-family: "Zen Maru Gothic";
  	font-weight: 900;
  	font-size: 6vw;
 .app.presentation .line {
 	font-family: "Zen Maru Gothic";
 	font-weight: 400;
 	font-weight: bold;
 	color: black;
 	line-height: 160%;
 	font-size: 2.3vw;


.app.presentation .line .dot {
    width: .8vw;
    height: .8vw;
    top: calc(.8em - .25vw);
    right: 1vw;

.app.presentation .line .indent-mark .dot {
  background-color: #dfdfdf;

.app.presentation .deco-\# {
	top: 25vh;
    position: relative;
.app.presentation .deco-\* {
	font-family: "Zen Maru Gothic";

.app.presentation .deco-\~ {
	font-family: "Zen Maru Gothic";
.app.presentation .deco-\+ {
	font-family: "Zen Maru Gothic";
.app.presentation {
  --page-bg: #fff;
  --body-bg: #ffffff;
html[data-display-style*=presentation] body {
	background-color: #fff;