• It’s interesting to see the various “purposes of creating things” that different people have.
    • I want to gather them here.


Essentially, I have a tremendous thirst for knowledge when it comes to programming. Making things and conducting research are just the results of my thirst for knowledge. I think I am driven by a pure desire to incorporate all the knowledge of computer science into myself.

  • I see, I can relate to that.

It’s a nuisance for humanity.

  • (Why is that?) (I don’t think so) (blu3mo)
    • Personally, I think science has developed by learning from previous research of humanity and leaving new results for future generations. I don’t have a desire to create something myself, I just want to know the wisdom of humanity. So, from the perspective of the collective actions of humanity, it might be a nuisance? (momeemt)
      • But it might be a personal assumption that humanity should explore and clarify everything.
      • I’m starting to confuse myself with what I’m saying.
      • In that sense, I also feel that my own motivation is a “nuisance for the collective actions of humanity,” but I don’t really care about it (blu3mo)
        • If my mindset changes, I might start doing something that benefits humanity in some way (?)
          • Well, if that happens, it’s fine, just that kind of feeling.
          • That’s true (momeemt)

(blu3mo) What about me?

  • I think it’s about wanting to create interesting experiences + thirst for knowledge.
  • I don’t have much motivation like “wanting to make the world a better place” (at the moment).
    • I don’t really know what motivates people of that type (not criticism, just a question).
    • I understand if it’s like “Since I’m part of the world, I want to improve my own life by improving the world.”
      • But if improving one’s own life is the goal, there seem to be easier ways.