• Paper on comedy

  • I thought this was it, Negligence due to familiarity with difficult situations.

  • Also, I didn’t consider the concentration when thinking about Task management by writing down tasks and gradually climbing up.

  • Researchers often experience the feeling of a deadline approaching and thinking, “Oh, I might not make it in time,” but they manage to finish the task by increasing their concentration. According to this model, this process occurs because time runs out, concentration increases, and work efficiency unexpectedly improves. And this depends on the nature of the task, such as research (writing or generating ideas). If the task does not significantly improve in efficiency even with increased concentration, then no matter how much effort is put in, it will not be completed in time. Therefore, we should learn to “plan and do it with some leeway.” Researchers may not learn this because they think they can manage without it.

  • Considering this, in creative work, whether or not the deadline can be met depends on correctly estimating W(task) and reaching the time limit without reaching the upper limit of r(t). Making this estimation correctly is the key to finishing just before the deadline. In reality, there may be actions like the following:

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    • There is also the option of reducing W(task) (lowering the quality). I’m doing this, haha (blu3mo).
  • I haven’t thought about this in this case, but I don’t think it’s very sustainable. Although extending working hours is a common approach, for creative work, concentration is primarily important. Even if work hours are extended with low concentration, it doesn’t have much meaning.