
  • It seems important to pay attention to the discussion about Apple Pencil and Dominant Hand.

    • Where to place the menu for notes and the menu for videos.
  • At iOSDC2020, there was a discussion about being able to change the UI based on the orientation of the screen.

    • For example, YouTube goes into full-screen mode when in portrait orientation.
    • Kineto might also benefit from this, as there is no need to display the video in full-screen when in portrait mode.
      • What should be placed in the lower part of the screen?
  • Finding Fundamental Principles in UI Design

    • It seems especially important to consider this when creating innovative UI.
  • It might be a good idea to incorporate the concept of pagination.

    • axokxi also mentioned this.
    • If it’s the same page, keep it in sync.
    • This could be implemented using video processing.
  • It is desirable to separate the operations for seeking and moving.

    • It would be great to generalize this.#ui design is about finding fundamental principles.
  • How to perceive the app:

  • “YouTube with synchronized interaction” OR "Zoom with time manipulation"

    • It would be better for users to perceive it as the latter.
    • Thinking of it as “having control over one’s own timeline” requires less thinking and is more enjoyable.
  • However, it would be nice to have a way to convey whether you are truly synchronized with others.

    • Something like an IPPON-like UI?w
    • I want to express a vague “presence” or “atmosphere” through the UI.
  • A fullscreen mode (meaning only the video is on the screen) might be necessary.

    • image
    • It would be nice to implement it in a way that the UI appears when you interact towards nothingness.
  • Concentration mode

    • Show only the chat and the content written with the pen.
    • Display the time control bar faintly.
      • Dragging it brings it back to the normal mode.
  • Normal mode

    • Show everything.
    • If there is no touch (except for the pen) for a few seconds, switch to concentration mode.
  • When the size of the video is adjustable, it is unclear how to design the UI.

  • Type UI and Software Keyboard

    • When using a fixed keyboard, use portrait mode.
    • When using a floating or software keyboard, use landscape mode.
    • Both should be used.
    • Like this:
      • image
      • Above the keyboard:
        • Place the reset button and emoji button.
  • Kineto Whiteboard sticky notes

    • It seems that a sense of synchronization can be conveyed by varying the amount of text.
      • However, it might be too noisy, so it’s a dilemma.
    • It could also be applicable to something like moving rapidly in a YouTube live video.


Miscellaneous notes below:

  • UI for controlling the playback position of the video

    • Is a seek bar UI like YouTube not suitable?
    • Relative control of the video playback position
    • Drag the bottom of the screen to move the playback position
    • Demo (minimum required implementation)
  • Classroom screen

    • Desired information
      • Other people’s notes
      • Classroom video
      • Synchronization
      • How far behind you are
      • Where other people are
        • Does displaying this make people aware that they are not synchronized?
        • Consider displaying it anyway
    • Desired actions
      • Control the playback position of the classroom video
        • If the resolution is increased:
        • Instantly jump to the part you want to review
          • It would be nice if you could perform an operation that jumps instantly and then returns immediately.
        • Uniqueness of the classroom video
          • Rather than jumping instantly, you are moving to seek specific information
          • Other video examples: YouTube, sports broadcasts, news programs, music videos
          • Seeking information rather than scenes
      • Seek
    • Other peculiarities
      • It would be nice to be able to operate in the state of holding a pen
      • It would be interesting to have a visual effect that gives the impression that time is rewinding
      • I want to solve the issue of overlapping elements with UI
      • The bottom right of the screen is difficult to use because of the pen
  • Questions (It seems good to define the UI through questions and answers, and conduct A/B testing if there are any unknown points)

    • Should the bar be displayed from the beginning to the end of the class?

      • There is room for consideration.
    • How should information about other students be displayed?

    • How should the screen be occupied?

      • I want to use the small spaces at the top and bottom for time manipulation, similar to Apple’s native Photos app.
    • What do we want users to experience?

      • Ideal- Without considering synchronization, one can freely attend classes and eventually become synchronized without realizing it.
  • Places where it has an impact:

    • It’s difficult to return now because the class is about to end.
    • Similar: The person who says it’s too late.
    • Move little by little to be able to synchronize.
  • In other words, it would be nice to elegantly impose restrictions on actions and have the above-mentioned impacts.

  • Actually, having an obvious YouTube-style UI might not be right.

    • Isn’t “Zoom with time manipulation” more interesting than “YouTube with synchronization”?
    • Be conscious of giving a sense of synchronization.
    • Make it look like a TV-like UI to make it more like traditional linear video streaming.
    • If you have a bar, it might be better to make the center of the bar yourself, making it more self-centric.
    • It might be similar to driving, like [ SmartPlayer: User-Centric Video Fast-Forwarding].
    • Are there any other metaphors like that?
      • Running?
        • It’s the same in that the playback speed is influenced by the position of other people.
      • Reading, maybe?
        • Even in an asynchronous context, the UI of a book is very good, right?
        • But that’s not the same as YouTube.
        • Page turning.
        • Time Travel.
      • Other people’s positions are displayed on the bar, and you can sync with them by tapping.
        • (At least, even if it’s just nearby), it’s essential to know the position of others.
        • Think about how to display it neatly. image
  • Here’s an idea:

    • You can drag the bottom part to move it, and pinch out to change the scale.
    • I want to do the lines in a fractal grid-like way, like a map.
  • Let’s go back to basics and describe the interactions that occur in text (like OOUI thinking). #kineto