@ryosuzk Jun Rekimoto’s Wall

Every time we come up with an exciting new idea, we hit Jun Rekimoto’s Wall and realize that @rkmt had already done it years, sometimes decades, ago.

(from the conversation with @plopesresearch at#uist2021, with an open-mouthed, sweating smile)

@plopesresearch For younger HCI students (like myself), it’s a pleasure to hit this wall. With the Rekimoto (and many others too) wall in place, we can do new things. Instead of stopping at our original idea, we can build on prior work and go further. It’s more like the Rekimoto trampoline!

  • I thought this was a great way of thinking.
    • When you realize that someone has already done what you thought of, you should think in this way.
    • Standing on the shoulders of giants.
  • On the contrary, I don’t understand why I used to dislike the fact that “someone has already done what I thought of.”
    • Is it because I felt disappointed that what I thought was a creation out of nothing turned out to be just a combination of prior research?