Next: MIT RealityHack 2024

  • Looks interesting
  • Application


  • Presence

    • = being “present”?
      • It’s interesting how words that indicate simultaneity of time are used to express existence.
      • Wrote something like that.
  • Profile 2023 EN

  • workshop

  • brainstorming

    • Games to focus/distract people wearing VR HMD/BCI
    • System to synchronize the concentration levels of two people
    • VR network browser
      • Original concept of the World Wide Web
  • Impressions 20230116

    • Team formation
      • Since I didn’t understand anything, I was quite nervous at first
      • Met some acquaintances
    • Creation phase
      • It’s too difficult to share what each team member wants to create; it’s hard to completely align motivations on the spot, but understanding each other’s motivations is crucial
      • Understood the significance of the PM’s role
        • It’s important to have someone who works hard on communication to share the vision
      • Because there was an experienced person, I ended up agreeing to use Unreal Engine, which I had never used before
        • I thought it would be interesting
        • However, the environment setup never succeeded, and in the end, I couldn’t commit almost anything
          • This is very disappointing
          • There is a sense of incomplete combustion in this regard
          • I even wanted to stay up all night coding, but I couldn’t
      • However, I think we were able to create something interesting as a team
        • In fact, I proposed what I wanted to create and gathered a team, so it feels like I had others create what I wanted, which is quite a deal, right?
    • Other points
      • It was a great place to find interesting people
        • Actively searching for interesting people on Discord and sending them DMs was a good move
      • Although it didn’t cross my mind at all, there were quite a few people looking for Internship/Job Opportunities
        • Looking around, there were people talking to sponsors and mentors here and there
        • Maybe aiming for that a bit more next year could be good (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • At least it was good to participate
      • Probably will participate again next year
  • People I Met at MIT RealityHack