
  • [/currylab/7つの技で完全マスター スパイスカレードリル](つの技で完全マスター スパイスカレードリル)

  • A book about how to make curry

    • This book aims to help you master the art of curry making by teaching you the techniques behind each of its seven elements.
    • It takes you through about 30 recipes, allowing you to learn each of the seven elements along the way.
  • I bought it because it looks fun.

    • It seems to have a curriculum that can properly enhance your curry-making skills.
      • Each task is explained with logical reasons, so it seems like a good way to learn how to make better curry.
        • For example, it explains how increasing pressure and creating convection allows the moisture and ingredients in the pot to mix together.
        • It also explains how different actions affect the taste of the curry.
        • It’s also good that it explains how the seven elements interact with each other to ultimately create the taste of the curry.
      • In other words,
        • I liked it because I feel like I can understand how to control each element of curry and the impact it has on the final result after completing this drill.
    • Also, it’s a good recipe book in a simple way.
      • Each step is accompanied by photos.
      • The completion conditions and assertions for each step are clearly stated.
  • It doesn’t explicitly emphasize a scientific approach like 理系の料理, but I can sense a scientific touch in the content.

    • The writing style and atmosphere feel like a stylish recipe book.
  • Curry making in Scrapbox