• Contact me (blu3mo) from here regarding the resumption of the meeting.

  • Use Mattermost, Twitter, etc., for direct messages.

  • Planning to schedule the meeting around September.

  • Decide on the stance here and share asynchronously.

  • Share details of the February presentation with Ikuta.


  • It seems Ikuta used to handle administrative procedures and event reminders diligently, but I can’t do that.
    • Specifically, I didn’t realize the existence of the self-introduction meeting until the day before, and I’m in a double-booking situation, so I won’t be able to attend.
    • If you mess up procedures with deadlines, I think they’ll just say, “Oh, that’s too bad,” so manage it yourself, haha.
      • The past few months were like a tutorial, so you should be able to handle it.
      • Especially, daily reports justify transferring money from the company’s wallet to Aoyama’s wallet, so manage it properly.
        • Whether you work for an organization in the future or work as a freelancer, knowing how much time you’ve spent using a time charge style is an essential skill to assert and bill for the time you’ve spent.
        • Well, I feel like I couldn’t do it when I was a university student, haha.
  • I probably won’t notice mentions on the Lab Use bulletin board, so if a response is needed, please use DM on Twitter or Mattermost.