From Egleston Engineering Seminar


Shutaro Aoyama

🦁 Columbia ‘26 SEAS 🇯🇵 From Tokyo, Japan (not exactly)

My Interests

  • 💻 Applications of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction
  • 🤔 Philosophy of Mind, Phenomenology
  • Major: Computer Science (probably) & Minor: Philosophy (maybe?)

Past Projects/Researches

  • ⏳ Thinking about concepts and applications of Virtual Time

    • Similar to having virtual space in VR, we could also have virtual time
      • → eliminate the limitations of physical time (linear speed, unstoppable)
    • To explain in a more complex way:
      • Creating an experience of multithreaded time virtually by artificially creating a sense of synchronization with others
    • Application:
      • Kineto: An online lecture platform that combines the benefits of both live and recorded lectures
        • Deceives students’ perception of time to create a virtual time experience
        • Research and development supervised by Prof. Inami from UTokyo
        • (Mitou-Program: Government provides funding and mentorship)
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      • Multithreaded voice communication (Work in progress)
        • Internship at Yoshida Lab at UTokyo
    • Considering applying Computer Science and philosophy of mind to explore this concept
    • Would love to have more discussions about this if you’re interested!
  • Some other things I have done/doing:

    • 💰 Created and developed an economy through Minecraft Plug-in Development
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      • Order book of item trading market
    • Founded a Civic-tech Software Development Organization in High School
    • 🔬 Other researches/experiments on Computer Vision / Neural Networks / Virtual Reality
      • Saliency detection of lecture videos
      • Generation of ambigrams using GAN
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    • Web app development
      • Game of Tag on Wikipedia
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      • Internships
    • Shadow Play by Ultrasound Levitation Machine
      • ACM UIST Student-Innovation Challenge
    • Some studies/reports in Humanities
      • Ethics of Virtual Reality at UTokyo
      • Comparison of the development of Cybernetics in the US and Soviet Union (EE)


  • Fog of World
    • An app that tracks every street/place I go
    • NYC
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    • Tokyo
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Career Path

  • Still undecided
  • Probably Ph.D. in Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction?

What I want from this class

  • Get inspired by the researches of peers/faculty members
    • Research process, methods, focuses, etc.
  • Get to know each other 🙌