from Wikichase implementation log

            - The 5th and 6th lines are referencing [](
            - Is `wikibase.client.init` this?
                - [Extension:Wikibase Client - MediaWiki](
            - And is just `skins.vector.styles.legacy` enough?
                - What are the other module's CSS for?
                    - If I notice that "Hey, this is different from Wikipedia," I can look it up.
                - In the MediaWiki page, it says `skins.vector.icons,styles`.
                    - Just `skins.vector.styles` should be enough.
                    - I'm not sure, but it's probably better not to use the legacy version.
            - So, where is the source?
                - Let's find out what the Skin of [[MediaWiki]] is.
                    - Ah, there's a Skin called Vector.
                    - [](
                        - > GNU General Public License 2.0 or later
- Does Vector CSS overlap with Wikipedia's common.css?
    - [](
    - There are some minor differences depending on the language.
        - For example, the size of the "citation needed" label is different.
        - For now, I'll lazily load the ja.css file to avoid the hassle.
            - I'll think about a proper way to load it later using webpack or something.
- Well, ignoring the detailed params, combining Vector and Wikipedia Common.css should make it look like Wikipedia.
    - If I specify `site.styles` in the module, I can get common.css and others.
- So, with `|site.styles&only=styles`, I can get the desired CSS.
- However, the problem is the rights issue.
- The CSS itself seems to be under the GPL license.
    - [](
    - > When we say “copy code,” we mean just that: you're taking a section of code from one source, with or without modification, and inserting it into your own program, thus forming a work based on the first section of code. “Use a library” means that you're not copying any source directly, but instead interacting with it through linking, importing, or other typical mechanisms that bind the sources together when you compile or run the code.
        - Using a library is treated differently from copying and pasting.
    - Oh, but derivative works also need to be released under the [[GPL]] license.- Or rather, does Wikipedia itself have rights to its content?