• Clubs

  • Options:

    • ADI Labs
    • Spec
      • I have some experiments I want to do, but I wonder if they will let me do them.
      • They seem to take projects seriously, so if I can convince them in that context, it might work.
    • Join a lab
      • If it’s HCI-related, maybe CGUI (Feiner) or SEAL (Brain Smith).
        • Maybe CGUI is the top choice?
          • Ask them about projects I can participate in + mention that I am interested in trying different things.
        • I’m also a bit curious about SEAL.
        • However, I’m a little worried about specializing only in HCI and losing versatility.
          • But I thought I wouldn’t know unless I join a lab and try it out.
      • Others
        • Theory
        • Internet Real-Time Lab
          • Hmm, seems a bit different in direction.
        • Software Systems Laboratory
        • Columbia Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab
        • Columbia Imaging and Vision Laboratory
          • They seem to do various things with a focus on vision.