
I will post any tweets that express a need.


    • During the self-restraint period, the cause of stress is not being able to meet friends, but being forced to watch classes with strange obsessions for an hour without being able to increase the playback speed.

    • Due to the impact of COVID-19, many cram schools and schools have switched to remote learning. For people with IT literacy, there is a feeling of discomfort with the idea that “it must be synchronous with Zoom.” It seems like a problem. People who could only learn in forced synchronous environments (like classrooms) are now transitioning and making mistakes.

    • When watching video lectures that I made myself, it’s more comfortable to watch them at about 1.5 times the speed. If you don’t understand something, you can replay it. The subtitles generated by speech recognition are also quite accurate. It’s great. Is it good to watch videos and have reverse learning on Zoom? It’s essential to be able to say, even if you return to the real world, “I want to take this lecture at 1.5 times speed. Oh, I missed something, so let me replay it.”

    • In terms of “classes,” it feels like you can create experiences that transcend time and space with the right ideas. However, from the perspective of “school,” there are still challenges. Unexpected interactions and encounters between students should lead to future careers, but online spaces are still unstable. How can we create experiences that arise in the absence of teachers?

    • With IT, we should be able to free ourselves from the constraints of time and space, but because of the users’ perception of constraints, we end up creating something inconvenient, it seems.

    • I really hate taking notes.
    • After all, since the content the teacher writes is usually in the textbook, I feel like I should just look at that.

    • Once you get used to watching YouTube videos at 2x speed, you start wanting to watch live streams at 2x speed too (excluding the speaker at 2x speed). Can’t AI automatically edit a 60-minute video to any desired length, such as 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 40 minutes, by changing the speed, cutting out silent parts, and prioritizing important parts? Lately, I’ve been using < and > as shortcuts on YouTube a lot.
    • I understand. Lately, I’ve been wanting to speed up face-to-face interactions and giggling to myself. LOL

    • I’m having trouble keeping up with the fast pace of online classes.

    • After cutting out the redundant parts of a 90-minute recorded lecture video, it became 22 minutes.
    • 75% of the lecture was redundant.

    • I’ve gotten so used to time-warp listening on YouTube Live that I’ve started feeling dissatisfied with not being able to pause or catch up during real-time listening on Zoom webinars.
  • Hmm. I’ve been actually attending my son’s on-demand classes since morning, and the quality of the on-demand classes is excellent. The sound quality is good, the voice is easy to understand, and the presentation of materials is clear and smooth. However, it’s too good to the point where there’s no room for taking notes. Moreover, even though it’s supposed to be a 90-minute class, it goes on for almost 120 minutes. There’s no time to take notes.


    • I also felt this way when taking online classes. While digitalization is praised, it also has the potential to reinforce the arbitrary policies of the instructors. It would be great if it could help students develop independent thinking and creativity, but…
    • (blu3mo) This can be argued as a way for kineto to advocate for empowering students.

    • In an online event, if you insert a video lecture of someone who couldn’t attend during the live lectures, and in the video they refer to what the previous speaker said, it can be more accurate and even more vivid than the live presentation. 😮 The walls of space have melted, and the walls of time are also starting to melt.
    • Another example of breaking down the barriers of space and time: pre-record a lecture video and play it during a live session while responding to chat questions from participants. You can do other things simultaneously while watching your own presentation from the outside. (The WISS conference has been using a chat + conference presentation format for about 20 years).
    • “Melting the barriers of time.”

    • Yesterday, I took an online class for the first time, and I realized that I absolutely need three monitors: one for watching the streaming video, one for the chat screen, and one for doing my work and taking notes.