I got excited about it in the discussion on “Elastic Synchronization Education Application Study: Mr. Yoshida + Mr. Nakajo”.

  • Assumptions

    • /shokai/Turn-Based Communication
      • Turn-based communication, such as synchronous voice communication and single-threaded chat, is very inconvenient.
    • Therefore, I want to have communication in a multi-threaded manner, as described in Want to Destroy Turn-Based Discussions.
    • As a platform for this, Scrapbox is the most suitable for text media as far as I know.
    • However, there is currently no good platform that can achieve this with voice media.
    • So, I want to think about how to achieve multi-threaded communication using voice.
    • (By the way) Personally, I am not very good at voice communication, so I have a feeling that we should abandon voice and optimize for text for all humanity.
      • However, it seems that the majority is adapting to voice communication.
      • Also, there are currently advantages to voice communication.
        • For now, humans can output voice faster than text.
        • It is easier to share additional information through intonation and other vocal expressions.
  • Desired Outcome

    • I want to enable multi-threaded communication in voice communication.
      • To put it in a way that is understandable to others, I want to achieve the experience of parallel real-time discussions in Scrapbox using voice.
  • What to Create

    • Create a multi-threaded voice chat environment.
    • Allow branching and merging of voice chat threads.
  • Specific Use Cases

    • For example, when two students want to briefly talk during an online class viewing:
      • The two students branch off from the main thread.
      • They discuss their questions and when they finish talking, they return to the main thread.
      • When they return to the main thread, they can replay and resynchronize from the branching point in real-time using fast-forward (Elastic Synchronization).
    • This is quite a versatile feature in environments where multiple people engage in voice communication, not just limited to classes.
      • Meetings, for example.
      • Casual conversations, for example.
    • These use cases involve relatively simple branching and merging.
      • However, I feel that this technology can also achieve more complex multi-threaded voice communication, like a network of capillaries (blu3mo)(blu3mo).
  • Want to implement a prototype (blu3mo)

Past notes

  • Is there a way to achieve non-turn-based communication using voice?

  • Something like Dimension Compression?

  • It becomes a problem of how to present the growing tree structure in real-time in one dimension.

    • Sounds interesting (blu3mo)

Vague Idea