• People often set various goals such as “I want to solve the social issue of XX” or “I want to research YY.”

  • However, no matter what goals they have, it seems that they are ultimately just means to achieve their own happiness and well-being.

  • Therefore, rather than blindly searching for solutions, I think we should consider what our fundamental evaluation function is.

  • In other words, it seems not good to Instrumentalization of Means when the solution is just one of the means.

    • (In this case, “means” refers to short-term goals that are inherently means.)
      • I’m starting to lose track of what I’m saying (blu3mo).
    • Being Too Goal-Oriented is Not Good
      • This discussion is simply about not being bound by one measure, so it may not be bad to not consciously focus on what lies beyond each action as a reason for action, such as “for happiness” (axokxi).
        • On the contrary, if actions are organized around the purpose of achieving happiness, each action becomes instrumentalized under strong purpose consciousness (axokxi).
        • If the purpose is achieved, it seems good, right? (blu3mo)
    • It’s the same discussion as thinking about QoL rather than obsessing over things like Education background or Income.
    • (The Tendency to Think about High-level Things is mentioned.)


  • I feel like recently I’ve been paraphrasing Thinking about the fundamental evaluation function of life and pursuing it as “We should pursue only the fun of the process without aiming for things like solving social issues.”
    • Originally, I didn’t think about such things, but I feel like my consciousness has swapped without me realizing it (blu3mo).
      • (I realized this by looking back at what I wrote on Scrapbox) (blu3mo).
  • However, maybe we shouldn’t rely solely on the enjoyment of the process.
    • It’s also not right to be so attached to the process that we can’t pivot and achieve what we want.
      • (In the sense that happiness through achieving the goal is not achieved)
    • Essentially, it’s important to Increase Dependencies.
    • That’s it~ (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • Can we say that goals like “aiming for social change,” “writing many cited papers,” “aiming for high income,” or ”Living in a Way that Clears the Fog of the World” are all games (systems where actions result in rewards)?
    • Within that, it’s like thinking about which game to immerse ourselves in (which game’s enjoyment we feel).
      • Immersion = recognizing the rewards in that game as happiness, using it in that sense.
    • Here, it seems important to Increase Dependencies.
      • i.e. It’s important to find enjoyment in various games.
  • Returning to the initial statement of “We should pursue only the fun of the process without aiming for things like solving social issues,”- Instead, it seems that we should distribute the source of happiness to both the process and the goals, and that we should also distribute our aspirations among various games.
  • That’s what it feels like.


  • Also, there seems to be something called “The Pain of Turning Happiness Means into Ends” (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)

20220712 When reading “Principles of Deleuze’s Philosophy,” I started to think that we shouldn’t perceive evaluation functions as fixed (blu3mo).


  • It seems that what I have been writing so far has a somewhat hedonistic assumption.
  • The perspective that only things that can be perceived as “happiness” should be the output of the evaluation function is generally emphasized.