=> About Myself in 2023


(/icons/Twitter) @blu3mo / (/icons/GitHub) @blu3mo / (/icons/Discord) Bluemo#2404 / (/icons/AtCoder) @blu3mountain

Table of Contents

  • 🙇‍♂️ Who am I? / 💪 Current activities: / 👀 Interests / 👨 Personality / 💓 Likes / 📜 Past activities / 🏆 Achievements

🙇‍♂️ Who am I?

  • I am a high school senior (as of April 2021)
  • I am located in Saitama and Gunma
  • My handle name is Bluemo
    • I mostly use @blu3mo as my ID

💪 Current activities

(including things I want to do in the future)

  • 👨‍🏫 Developing/deploying the educational app ”kineto
  • ⏳ Exploring/creating things related to “time”
  • 🎓 IB DP
    • Taking a different curriculum course at high school
  • 🏃‍♂️ Competitive programming
    • I lost motivation around the beginning of 2020 and stopped when I reached the green level
    • Recently, I am thinking of starting again
  • 🍭 Dabbling in various topics
    • I am exploring a wide range of interesting topics
      • I believe I will specialize after entering university, so for now, I am broadening my horizons through dabbling
    • Topics I am dabbling in: machine learning, image processing, Rails, Unity, VR, etc.
    • Topics I want to explore: functional programming languages, React Native, shaders, music programming languages, 3D modeling, electronics, video production, music theory, linguistics, and various others
    • I would like to know about any interesting topics 🙏
  • 🧩 Other activities when motivation strikes
    • Learning Chinese, playing Go, etc.

👀 Interests

  • In abstract terms, I think my interests can be summarized as:
  • I enjoy creating new experiences through technology that seem unimaginable
    • I like delving deep into something while creating, especially pondering over concepts like the timeline of experiences and synchronicity
    • In the field of computer science, I am interested in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • I also find hardcore STEM topics quite fascinating
    • I feel like my abilities are not catching up, but I am working on improving
  • My specific technological interests keep changing
    • I believe it’s okay not to rush into specializing in a field

👨 Personality

  • I took the 16 Personalities test and got INTP-T- The credibility of the test is unknown, but the explanation of the results was quite close to self-awareness.
  • Communication that requires quick thinking is not my strong suit.
    • I prefer to avoid Turn-Based Communication when engaging in discussions.
  • I’m not very good at showing off with a smug face, I think it’s a typical case of Impostor Syndrome.
  • I tend to lose things often.
  • I believe that Optimism for the future is deeply rooted in me.

💓 Things I Like

  • (The Mist of the World)
    • An app where your travels are recorded on a map.
    • It may sound simple, but it greatly enriches life.
    • I highly recommend it to everyone.
  • (Scrapbox)
    • I’ve been using it since the summer of my first year of high school.
      • My personal projects are about to reach 1000 pages.
    • I resonate a lot with its philosophy (or rather, I like that it has a philosophy).
    • I feel like I’ve converted at least 10 people to use it.
  • 🚀 Futuristic things
    • I get very excited about space exploration and I follow related topics closely.
    • I also enjoy discussing gadgets.
    • I feel like Doraemon (especially his secret gadgets) has had a significant influence on my interests.
      • I believe it has made me more optimistic about the future.
  • 📺 Miscellaneous entertainment list (things I can talk about) (in no particular order) (continuously adding)
    • Dr. Stone / SCP / Nayutan Seijin / TENET / Dainigurupu / Tokai On-Air / Math Girl / Bokuchu / Doraemon / Evangelion / Paochan / The Martian / Gekidan No-Meets / Machi-Tom / Godzilla SP / Jujutsu Kaisen / Odo Zehi

📜 Things I Used to Do (Rough Timeline)

(Will gradually expand this section)

  • Scratch
  • CoderDojo
    • I was involved from around 5th grade to 7th grade with CoderDojo Saitama (Omiya).
    • Recently, I occasionally participate in a junior mentor role.
  • LEGO Mindstorm EV3
    • I attended Crefus for a while when I was in elementary school.
    • I participated in the First Lego League (FLL) robotics competition from 4th grade to 8th grade.
      • I dedicated a lot of time over 5 years in elementary and middle school.
      • I learned a lot and had fun (in short).
  • Trumpet
    • I played from 5th to 9th grade in music class.
  • U-22 Programming Contest 2015/16 Winner
  • Minecraft Plugin Development @man10 Server
    • I got hooked on a Minecraft server and spent a lot of time from 8th grade to 10th grade.
    • I got involved in the administration and created plugins for betting activities like a bookmaker.
    • It was fun to recreate a modern economy system in a (domestic) large-scale server in the game.
  • Sun Microsystems Scholarship Foundation 1st Generation
  • Caiva
    • I created a vocabulary memorization iOS app that works through listening in 9th grade.
    • Due to various reasons like Quizlet’s dominance, I lost motivation after completing it.
      • Seeing the recent trend of audio-based learning, I think it could have been more interesting if I had delved deeper.
  • Kayac Work Experience
    • I had a two-day internship-like experience.
  • TigerMov
  • Tobitate! Study Abroad JAPAN 5th Generation
    • I spent three months on the West Coast of the United States.
  • MITOU/MITOU Jr 2019 (Not Selected)
    • I proposed a text input system in VR but was not selected.- Looking back, I think I was quite shallow.
  • Globe
    • I made a 10-minute documentary film for a school project.
    • The film was about technology and effort.
  • WSC2019
  • Career Koshien 2019
  • Mitou 2020
  • Information Science Expert 2020

🏆 Achievements

(For more details, check My Achievements)

U-22 Programming Contest 2015: METI Commerce and Information Policy Bureau Director’s Award / Cybozu Award (2015/10) U-22 Programming Contest 2016: METI Minister’s Award (2016/10) Certified as the first-term student of the Son Masayoshi Scholarship Foundation (2017/7) Passed the MEXT Tobitate! Study Abroad JAPAN 5th High School Student Course (2019/4) Selected as a participant in the National Institute of Informatics’ “Information Science Expert” program (2020/3) Excellent Participant Award (2021/4) Selected for the IPA Exploratory IT Human Resources Development Project (2020/4) 3rd National High School Information Study Contest held at the 83rd Information Processing Society of Japan National Conference: Excellent Award (2021/3) IPSJ Young Researcher Encouragement Award 2020 (2021/4) XR Creation Award Kid’sPlates Award (2021/9) Civictech Challenge Cup U-22 PLAID Award & Grand Prize (2021/…

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