• Page in the Format of Adding Information on Top

  • v6

    • Received feedback from someone I have been associated with for 15 years saying “this is so you,” which seems positive, right? (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • v5

    • I want to read the notes from v4 again

    • Also, if there are good concrete examples of single-thread communication, I would like to include them

    • Reconsider providing concrete examples other than that

      • Such as dialogues
      • Want to add more flavor from other disciplines
    • Also, consider the level of metaphorical expression

      • It seems that overdoing it might not be good
    • I would be really happy if the logic of understanding nature connects

    • In the discussion of connections, I want to include this nuance

  • v4

  • Reconsider the page to be listed first

    • Requirements
      • Want to show my diverse information sources and thoughts
      • Probably using this like Columbia’s book list would be good
  • Alternatives for the word “hack”

    • engineer
    • customize
    • refine
    • augment
  • Rethink the discussion about outcomes

  • Refine the thought process

    • Want to include communication with others

    • Want to include Literature/Classics

    • academic/non-academic

    • Probably using this like Columbia’s book list would be good

  • v3 (Consideration based on feedback from v2)

  • Since a library lacks a personal touch, consider making it a secret base

  • It might be quite interesting to represent Scrapbox as a Knowledge base as a space, like a library

    • As events in that virtual space
    • This way, it can be portrayed as unlocking something
    • In that sense, initially depicting it as a private space seems preferable
    • Image:
      • image
      • Something like this
  • Ultimately, the content seems fine in 61c184f579e1130000aa348a

    • Then, how to make it an interesting read

    • Back to square one (blu3mo)

    • Story

    • Proposal 1

      • Expanding on Essay Scrapbox Proposal B (communication focus), a classic essay approach

      • Start with my story

      • Then, detail the process of tackling it

        • Analyzing and generalizing various things (chaos) to find my own system
          • Notes on communication related to kineto, papers read, etc.
          • Notes on things I casually thought about
          • Articles on villagepump, etc.
        • Show enjoying the process of implementing the hack to my system
      • Seems like it could work with a pitch of various hacks, including myself

    • Proposal 2

      • Adding my agency to the virus proposal
      • Phase 1: Starting with notes on papers, write more and more to my knowledge base
      • Phase 2: Also thoughts
      • Phase 3: Communication as well
      • However, the issue is that Phase 1/2 are not actively discussable
        • It naturally expanded
        • Only Phase 3 has a strong story
  • I’ve been feeling a lack of something in the virus proposal, and now I understand

    • Maybe there’s a lack of a sense of effort, a sense of striving
      • It feels like I’m doing fun things effortlessly
      • Overcoming challenges was a good example of showing that, but maybe that disappeared- The story is about being passively invaded and changed by a virus without agency, which is mainly due to focusing on the virus in the narrative.
  • Originally, actions were supposed to be active except for when starting to use Scrapbox, but they ended up being portrayed passively.

  • What to do:

    • Should the story be about actively Frankensteining one’s brain?
    • Or a story about seeking a form that fits nature?
  • What examples to mention:

    • There is a desire to roughly align.
    • Should it be related to cognition?
  • What can the expanding Scrapbox be likened to?

    • In fact, the subject to talk about is not Scrapbox itself but the habit of using it.
    • Is it a system?
      • “The moment I installed the app on my computer was also the moment the system was installed in my brain.”
      • Is it too abstract?
      • There is no image of expansion.
      • But still.
    • A plant/seed?
      • “The moment I installed the app on my computer was also the moment the seed was planted in my brain.”
      • Fits perfectly.
    • A virus?
      • A negative image is not necessary.
    • Something.
    • It.
    • What is it in the first place?
  • Outline:

    • Approach: By depicting the process of gathering information in chaos and finding order from it (the scope of using Scrapbox), show one’s thoughts and the joy/emotion associated with it.
    • Phase 1: Start using Scrapbox and begin writing about learnings from literature/books, etc.
      • Chaos becomes analyzable.
      • Write down personal thoughts and ideas derived from reading.
      • This further expands the stage where chaos is analyzable.
        • Not only information from others but also what one creates becomes part of the chaos.
    • Phase 3: Write about various things outside of the specialty.
      • Reflect on the introverted nature of communication in the process.
        • Bringing out a multidisciplinary sense in the thought process.
        • Eventually, publicly share the knowledge base.
    • Phase 4: Interaction with others arises through the knowledge base.
      • Incorporate comments and stimuli from others.
      • This further expands the stage where chaos is analyzable.
  • Like a regular essay, while giving examples, end with a twist that the essay itself is also part of the story.

  • There are ideas but the challenge lies in deciding what story to tell.

    • Specifically talk about how starting from academic papers, the scope expanded beyond that.
    • Show the story of how the scope of “gathering various things to find order” expanded from academic papers to other areas.
    • This could be effective to explain the breadth of Scrapbox through the story rather than just discussing the results.
  • To make it easier to understand, write about the process of generalizing one’s interests as a story.

    • Then conclude with the realization of the generalization itself.
  • Outline:

      1. Nature of being analytical.
      • Using Scrapbox.
      • Connecting with past thoughts.
      • Serendipity and multidisciplinary aspects.
      1. Nature of being introverted.
      • Making Scrapbox public.
      • Connecting with others.
      • Serendipity and multidisciplinary aspects.
  • Then.- Generalization, there seems to be a similar pattern, right?

  • It can be seen as a system, right?

  • So what? (blu3mo)

    • that’s me?
  • Notes

    • Write 1) and 2) as standalone essays
    • Then, find an order in them
    • The difference from before is that it sets up serendipity and interdisciplinary topics as something to show joy in order
      • In that case, the conclusion beautifully shows this
      • Before, I was confused because I tried to show traits through the unwritten “essay writing process”
      • Now, I’m trying to show a different message through the written “content of the essay”
    • However, a story like why I tried Scrapbox and what the results were is not depicted?
      • It might be good to depict such points in the stories of 1) and 2)
      • This itself becomes a specific example to show “serendipity and interdisciplinary topics”
    • It seems okay to omit the listing part; it’s better to use the word count for showing specific examples
  • Another point that bothers me is,

    • The current direction seems to have a theory first
    • That’s not it
    • Shouldn’t it rather convey the flow of implementation, testing, and thoughts?
      • I agree (blu3mo)
      • That’s where it should be shown
  • Academic Paper Style

    • Intro
      • This paper describes
    • Background
      • 1)
        • Finding joy in analyzing what I see as new
    • Method
      • Seen as a model of cognition
      • This way, patterns can be found from chaos
        • Finding that interesting
    • Results
  • I had started feeling anxious about turning it into a CommonApp Essay, but the reason is

    • Not mentioning the joy of discovery and thinking
    • It feels like something is missing
    • After writing various essays, the weight of that aspect has increased within me
    • If I can address that properly, maybe it will be okay
  • Being analytical seems to have low resolution

    • Elevate it and write about thinking about various everyday things, accumulating them, etc.?
  • Since I often choose a major in Cognitive Science, I would be happy to convey that atmosphere rather than the other way around

    • Like a TOK essay style
  • Should it be written in an explanatory style like that?

    • However, there is a problem of moving away from my own story
      • This essay has always had this issue
      • Solution:
        • Show through the process that I am a thinker
          • Also, show the joy of discovery there
          • Show problem-solving processes and philosophies
        • Refer to nature
  • After writing Essay Scrapbox Proposal B (communication focus), upon reconsideration

    • While structuring it like Proposal B, it might be good to self-refer in a storytelling manner
    • After presenting Problems 1) and 2), solving them all at once with technology
      • Not exactly technology, but changing the structure to solve, something like that
    • Then, explain by referencing these concrete examples in the essay itself
  • Gathering examples of 1) and 2) from After, and analyzing them?

    • That’s pretty much the current state already
    • It might be better to enhance the resolution of the examples
  • When organizing what to write again,

    • Before using Scrapbox
      • Nature of personality
    • Trigger for using Scrapbox
      • Tendency to try new things
    • After using Scrapbox (Impact, Present)
      • 1), 2)
    • It is possible to show and tell about each of these
  • Reflection on version 2

    • Regarding the content
      • I’m not sure if pursuing a self-referential and peculiar structure is really good
        • It would be good if others find it interesting
      • It might work to expand on 2) or something like that
      • Consistency in structure
        • Also, in terms of the structure of thinking/communicating,

        • “I am introverted by nature” alone serves as a problem statement, and Scrapbox is the solution for that, which is clear, but

        • “I am analytical by nature” alone is not a problem statement, it is shown later in the sentence (However, those thoughts - )

        • I thought it would be easier to read if these two inconsistencies were eliminated

        • There is indeed a slight shift in focus
      • Self-referential
        • If doing this, it seems better to indicate it more clearly
  • Since I’m already dealing with something quite complicated, I’ll try to make it as understandable as possible.

    • analytical
      • Probably, as it is now, the resolution is low and quite cliché.
      • I should understand more about what makes it unique.
    • Issues with writing an essay
      • I think that by understanding what problems this arbitrary form of essay has and improving upon them, it could become a good piece.

      • Lack of psychological descriptions
        • I completely forgot about this.
        • I want to express emotions like the joy of analysis and introverted reluctance.
      • Even if specific examples are added later, it feels like an afterthought.
        • The role of specific examples as a means to pique interest was not consciously considered.
        • The current approach involves:
          • Presenting analysis in points 1) and 2)
          • Then, explicitly showing point 2) in the text itself
          • Explicitly indicating the background of point 1) as well
        • The issue was that this section was not showing point 1) (only point 2))
        • Conversely, by framing the preceding section as “this is also a public text,” point 1) can also be shown.
        • If restructuring while maintaining the direction:
          • Present analytical/open phenomena first and then analyze them
            • Would this allow for a double showing?
            • But it might make the discussion more complicated.
          • Show and then tell, where the telling itself is also a showing, creating a structured approach
            • What is different from the previous approach?
          • In fact, the final paragraph may not be necessary
            • Explain points 1) and 2) more clearly to the point where an additional explanatory paragraph is not needed
              • After an event in Scrapbox, reflect on it, tell points 1) and 2) while also showing them through the reflection process
                • The crucial aspect here is how to handle this “event after Scrapbox”
              • In v2, the lack of specificity and information seemed to be the main issue
            • Alternatively, after succinctly stating the main points at the beginning, present all that is to be said, and then direct to the publicly available analytical text, indicating that it also serves as a demonstration
      • Additionally, regardless of the writing style chosen, it seems essential to enhance vocabulary to avoid concerns about English proficiency.
        • It might be wise to heavily rely on Grammarly and mentors for this.

  • For now, I’ll just do things my way and see how it goes.

  • Pre-UWash tasks

    • It seems beneficial to work on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis.
    • It might be unnecessary to change the structure from v2 (submitted version for UWash).
      • From v3 onwards, I’d like to explore weighting adjustments.
    • Should I start by outlining specific examples?
      • I don’t have time for that.
    • List out the things to be corrected and tackle them one by one.
      • Improve the list of Scrapbox page examples
      • (Story of how I started using it)
      • Underlying principles of using Scrapbox, topic sentence
      • Write specific episodes of using Scrapbox’s thought process
  • Outline

    • Intro:

      • I delve into Scrapbox with knowledge, thoughts, memories, tasks, and various other things.
        • It might be helpful to cite specific examples with page names.
      • Since I conduct my thinking on Scrapbox, my thoughts are recorded.
      • Ref: This Scrapbox Project is in My Brain- I believe this peculiar habit has shaped my way of thinking and communication style.
    • Structure

      • Indicates nature
        • Provides specific examples while elaborating
      • Demonstrates how the habit combines with nature to shape “how I X”
    • My way of thinking

    • My way of communication

      • Ref: I’m not good at interfering with others when I’m not sure if I’m right
      • Ref: I have resistance to confidently speaking out loud
      • Past issues
        • I lacked openness and couldn’t build deep relationships with others.
      • As a solution, I started writing everything in Scrapbox, creating a mechanism where it gets automatically published.
        • Since I struggle to be actively open, I surprisingly had no resistance to it being automatically published.
      • To address the problem of being introverted,
        • Instead of forcefully becoming extroverted, I thought about a communication style/system that suits my introverted nature.
      • Providing specific examples
    • Generalizing the above two points,

      • By adopting a mechanism that allows observing everything in my mind,
        • “My past thoughts” can now be connected to “1) my current self & 2) others.”
      • (Note: Showing a tendency to enjoy such generalizations and thoughts on writing about high-level things)
    • Providing common specific examples after generalization, that sounds good.

      • This makes me feel like essay writing would be the best topic.
      • Describing the process of writing the above content
        • It’s interesting how the meta-analysis of “tell” in contrast to Show, Not Tell becomes a form of showing.
        • Since I can demonstrate it well, I believe I am meeting the essential requirements.
          • Oh, but maybe it lacks realism.
        • Also, it’s better to have a consistent topic rather than introducing unnecessary new topics (like Kineto).
    • Other topics not included in the outline

      • A story about starting to use Scrapbox
    • Notes from Design of the Overall Picture of Overseas University Application Materials (It would be nice to include the essence of each of these)

    • Interesting points to consider

      • (It’s essential to have someone read to confirm if it’s genuinely interesting)
      • The unexpected approach of addressing the issue of being introverted by not trying to become extroverted but instead developing a communication style/system that suits one’s introverted nature.
        • This seems like a unique perspective that I want to express well.
        • (antech33) had a positive response to this.
      • It’s easy to forget, but publicly sharing all thoughts seems quite daring(?).
        • I want to show this without hiding it oddly.
        • It’s challenging to explain.
      • The similarity in structure between 1) and 2).- I find it interesting to deliberately write 1) and 2) in the same format to clearly show the structure.
  • However, I’m afraid of being misunderstood as someone lacking writing skills.

    • It’s not wrong, but it’s a bit funny.
  • The twist is that 1) and 2) are generalized in the end.

    • Personally, I think it would be more interesting to save this for the end. What do you think?
  • It’s about showing through self-referential statements in the text.

    • I am aware that this essay heavily leans towards telling, but in the final paragraph, I indicate that the process leading to the content being told is based on 1) and 2). So, I believe it’s showing to a certain extent…? I briefly felt like a genius for coming up with this mechanism.

    • However, I also have a slight feeling of self-satisfaction and wonder if it’s just me who finds it interesting.
      • Even if I can show and others don’t find it interesting, it’s meaningless.

  • v1
  • Comments & Feedback
    • What is missing in my essay
    • (rickshinmi) Comment
      • I think someone who shares everything in their mind is a fascinating character.

      • Why did you try to do that? What were the results? And how did you change as a person? These aspects would make an interesting story.

        • I see, I see.
        • Currently, I’ve only shown the results, so it would be good to also show the process leading up to them.
        • I didn’t start using Scrapbox to solve communication problems, so it’s hard to connect the story as I originally thought.
          • However, unexpected discoveries like that could also make good material.
      • It seems beneficial to create multiple patterns and get feedback from a mentor.

        • I want to create patterns with different emphases.
        • Such as focusing on the process of starting to use Scrapbox, the impact of Scrapbox’s approach, and its impact on communication.
        • Even if the conclusion is to balance these aspects, the quality might improve.


  • Summary in 5 lines

    • I lacked confidence in my own correctness and always resisted conveying my thoughts to others.
    • Starting to put all my knowledge fragments into Scrapbox and making them public helped me express my thoughts without resistance and communicate with others.
    • I learned the importance of embracing imperfect thoughts and being open about unfinished or ambiguous ideas.
      • The ending feels weak with this.
    • As a solution to my introverted nature, I thought about creating a communication system that suits me.
  • Outline

    • Start with a quote “Our knowledge is only a collection of scraps and fragments that we put together into a pleasing design”?
      • There’s no particular significance to using a quote, right?
    • Begin by presenting a household model of one’s knowledge?
      • Can we make the discussion about thinking of a model interesting with a descriptive hook?
        • Or express the idea that such thinking is fascinating.
        • Can we connect this to an HCI-like discussion on human information input/output?
    • I had resistance to conveying my thoughts to others.
    • Before:
      • Experiences where there were issues in making myself understood in a new community.
      • Well, it wasn’t a huge problem.
        • It was just a lack of being active, so there was nothing significant.
      • Instances like Australia, MakeSchool roommates, or Tobitate.- It’s like that, not really leading to arguments or troubles, but just a feeling of not being able to understand the other person at all.
  • Talking about roommates seems to be easily connected to the image of college life.

  • I had resistance to actively choose what to make public.

  • In Scrapbox, I put in incomplete or fragmented knowledge.

    • By doing this, I also found communication methods with others that suited me.
    • By mentioning scrapbox-duplicator, I also feel like I’ve contributed to its development.
  • Episode after (blu3mo)

    • Untrodden
    • CCC
      • The discussion at CCC in Scrapbox seems to have slightly different focal points.
      • But the change of taking on a leadership role is an interesting aspect.
        • It might be worth making that the main focus.
    • Twitter life (?)
      • Examples of being seen on Scrapbox (within visible range)
        • SchoolTakt’s Gotou-san, Fumi-san
        • People from basi? (I’m not sure because I didn’t hear it properly)
        • People in the Scrapbox community like Idobata, etc.
          • Well, this is based on understanding others through Scrapbox, so it might be a bit different.
      • It seems more appropriate to refer to means of introducing oneself and having conversations to let others know about oneself.
        • Rather than exchanging balls by opening windows from inside the house, it’s more like opening the door of the house to let others in, like that kind of image.
          • (antech33) said that it’s about expressing such things exactly as they are imagined.
      • It might be good to mention the behavior when entering a new community before/after.
        • After: basi, Idobata, etc.?
      • It seems possible to generalize that others get to know about oneself and vice versa.
        • Using an expression like “Generalizing this” to make it explicit might be a good idea.
          • This could be interesting, like a mathematical approach (blu3mo) (blu3mo)
      • If struggling to come up with a fitting idea, it might be better to slightly change the theme..?:
  • Omitted stories

    • (If there’s something like “it seems a waste to remove this”)
  • If poorly written, it might just become a Scrapbox review/recommended blog.

    • It’s important to focus on one’s own changes properly.
  • Isn’t it easier to understand when comparing XXX to Scrapbox rather than from nothing to Scrapbox?

    • Compare it with conventional SNS.
  • It would be helpful to refer to Idobata and Obsidian for explaining Scrapbox.

  • Before and after episodes are necessary.

  • Memo on what I want to convey in Design of the Overall Picture of Overseas University Application Materials.

  • It would be nice to include the essence of each of these.

  • Isn’t this the TOK Essay I wrote at the beginning?

    • Fragment of knowledge.
  • Overall view

    • Plan 1: Doraemon -> Intellectual Ability Enhancement Course
    • Plan 2: Resistance to broadcasting -> Communication Forms Course
      • For now, I will focus on writing an essay on this.
      • I forcibly wrote it using The Most Dangerous Writing App, the story is messy.
      • It’s only 370 words, but well, it’s the first step, so I’ve made progress.
  • Intro

    • Pattern of the story like This Scrapbox Project is in My Brain
      • Knowledge, thoughts, memories, etc.
      • My brain runs on a software

        • It’s an interesting hook, but it seems a bit exaggerated.
        • I want to find a better expression.
        • Maybe something like augmented?
          • My brain is augmented by a software

      • Everything I do, learn, think, gets stored in a box, waiting to be connected with others.

    • Pattern starting from I have resistance to confidently speaking out loud- Rather than talking about Doraemon, it seems more fitting and beneficial to discuss this topic in relation to one’s own personality, right?
  • It depends on whether it becomes a hook.

  • It seems like having an episode to bring up would make it a hook.

    • Deleted the tweet about the Uncharted Selection.
  • It could start with a story like Essay: Doraemon Proposal.

    • If written well, it could become a hook.
  • Possible topics to discuss:

    • Discussion on the Kineto development process.
      • Delved into various thoughts and ideas that came to mind.
      • By delving into these ideas and connecting the dots, the meaning of creating them became clear.
      • The content is similar to what was written in Essay Unprecedented Case.
      • Gathering fragments of various thoughts, finding structure, or generalizing them.
        • Finding such things interesting.
        • Also, emphasizing such aspects.
      • It’s interesting how technology is expanding human intelligence in this way.
      • This tweet could be useful for expression reference.
    • Forms of communication.
      • Discussions like CCC could be related to Japanese culture.
      • Also, references to It’s Okay to Look.
      • In a way, the writing style of an essay could be overlaid with this.
      • Breaking down issues and focusing on synchronicity and proactivity for resolution.
    • Connecting it to Tendency to Think about High-level Things would be perfect.
  • If it were for a Common App Essay:

    • Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

    • That might work.
    • Actually, it does.
  • Suddenly thought, it might be quite good.

    • Since it closely relates to one’s way of thinking and personality, explaining those aspects would be good.
    • Seems suitable for a Common App Essay (a general story sent to all universities).
  • Using Scrapbox as a focal point, various topics could be addressed.

  • There are probably several elements:

    • Diving into all the detailed thoughts.
      • The remarkable point about Scrapbox is that it actually makes this possible.
    • A communication method of sharing everything in one’s mind.
    • (Discussion on non-turn-based communication).
  • Story to tell:

  • Scrapbox feels like a well-fitting outfit or weapon for oneself.

    • So, it seems good to express oneself through explaining these aspects.
    • It relates to various characteristics of oneself.