Things I’ve done
- Watched lecture videos in various fields and reported on what I learned
- There are about 30 courses (one course per professor), and each course is a video of about 1-2 hours.
- They seem to be more valuable than the information science courses at regular universities.
- In a way, it’s like a lecture that takes you to a state of “complete understanding” in multiple fields, maybe haha.
Originally, I only knew about the world that reaches even non-researchers (such as HCI and DL).
- It was good that the resolution of the math-intensive world increased.
It’s interesting to see the connections between methodologies and different perspectives across multiple fields when learning the content of various fields in a short period of time.
- For example:
- Natural Language Processing and Image Processing
- Machine Learning from multiple perspectives in different fields
I have a vague sense of common patterns that I see in various fields, and I want to articulate them.
Since I have only watched the lectures, there may be some misunderstandings.
- If there are points that I’m unsure about whether the content is correct in this Scrapbox, I put a ”?” at the end.
I thought it’s better not to use hub-like tags in Scrapbox, so I didn’t add tags to the learned content (deleted on 20200925).
- You can see my notes at情報科学の達人.
[Expert in Information Science: Workshop Presentation Materials]