• todo
    • When a spot opens up on the waitlist,
      • Apply for Phys Rec on Tuesday/Wednesday.
        • Thursday is too heavy.
      • Apply for Math on Thursday.
        • Can get in on Friday, but Thursday would be preferable.
    • If you get into Savisky Chem,
      • Remove Data Structures 001. ✅
      • Be careful not to remove the wrong one. (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • If you change UW,
      • Wait for Multiv’s waitlist.
      • If you don’t change, you can remove the waitlist.

Courses to take:

  • Phys
  • Chem
    • For now, take 1600 since you passed.
    • But consider dropping to 1400, depending on the capacity.
      • Honestly, not that interested in Chem.
      • Ruben Savizky
        • Seems alright?
      • Xavier Roy
        • Seems alright.
      • Robert Beer
        • Seems to have a bad reputation.
      • Gerard F Parkin
        • Interesting, but the class is separate?
      • All of them have mixed reviews..w
      • CHEMUN1403 GenChem
  • Math
    • Want to take APMAE2000 Multivariable.
      • But the exams were quite difficult, so maybe consider Calc II while managing the load.
      • Better than going for something difficult with pride and ending up in ruins. (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • If Professor Tong seems mediocre, consider switching to the 5:40pm-6:55pm class.
      • Take this class if you’re really good at math and don’t want to do much work, or if you want to learn a lot of conceptual stuff about math and are fine with a lower grade. Definitely don’t expect a free A or A-

      • There is no curve but he sets the ranges for letter grades himself.

        • Seems strict.
    • Calc II
      • Haodong Yao
  • UW
  • CS
    • Not that motivated for Intro.
    • Want to register for higher-level courses for now.
  • Philosophy
    • Akeel Bilgrami seems to have a good reputation.
      • No, it’s actually Justin Clarke-Doane.
      • Well, both of them have a good reputation.
    • It’s also totally fine to take this.
  • As for conflicts right now,
    • Want to take Beer & Data Structures.
    • Want to take Savizky & APMA but it’s a late class.
    • Cases where Savizky can be taken:
      • Can take Data Structures with everyone.
    • Cases where Beer can be taken:
      • Can take the late APMA class.

To-do: Until 9/2

  • Solve the time slot puzzle.
  • Contact CS. Until the final registration
  • Decide between Phil and CS.
  • Consider dropping Chem.


To earn the Bachelor of Science degree from The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science you must: Complete the First-Year Sophomore technical requirements Take at least 27 points of nontechnical coursework Satisfy specific requirements for your major Earn 128 points You must register for at least 12 credits per semester, and may not register for more than 21 points per semester without approval from the Committee on Academic Standing. You are expected to complete all requirements within 8 terms.

  • You can graduate with 16 points per term since 128/8=16.
    • The cap is 21.
  • What’s the difference between points and credits?
  • Technical requirements
    • There’s something called accelerated physics, etc.
      • Can’t these be done with IB scores?


International Baccalaureate (IB) Entering students may be granted 6 points of credit for each score of 6 or 7 on IB Higher Level Examinations if taken in disciplines offered as undergraduate programs at Columbia. Students should consult their adviser at the James H. and Christine Turk Berick Center for Student Advising for further clarification.

  • All my HL subjects had a score of 7, so they should be usable.


course name- https://www.cc-seas.columbia.edu/sites/dsa/files/handbooks/Columbia%20Key%20to%20Course%20Listing.pdf

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