New Version: Polymorphic Reality - Towards a Smoothly Connected Subjective Metaverse

  • TL;DR:

    • Human Communication can be understood as a partial sharing and collaborative editing of subjective reality.

      • Various forms of communication, such as face-to-face conversations, letters, chats, Slack, Zoom, Nico Nico Douga, Google Docs, VRChat, Cluster, etc., can be understood within this framework.
    • There are various elements of shared reality.

      • Sensations, perceptions, cognition, and other layers of elements can exist.
      • Concrete examples include:
        • Face-to-face conversations:
          • Sharing the surrounding space.
          • Collaborative editing of the space by overlapping voices or using body movements.
          • Recognizing the space from sensory data, such as vision, and sharing it.
        • Movie theaters:
          • Shutting out visual and auditory information other than the movie and sharing the visual and auditory experience with everyone.
          • Unless someone suddenly shouts in the theater, collaborative editing of the shared reality cannot be done.
        • Slack:
          • Sharing a reality called a channel and collaborating by writing messages there.
        • Google Docs:
          • Sharing the reality of a document page and collaborating on it.
    • I think this Subjective Perception of Reality is similar to the concept of Phenomenology.

    • The way communication is mediated by computers has been developing.

      • Email, Slack, Zoom, Metaverse, VRChat, Cluster, etc.
      • Through Window Technology, various information can be exchanged.
    • In other words, the engineering of “the way of communication = the way of sharing reality” has become easier.

    • This raises the question of “what kind of communication should we aim for?”

      • It can also be rephrased as “what kind of subjective reality sharing should we aim for?”
    • One possible direction is to increase the “degree of reality sharing.”

      • Creating a metaverse that is indistinguishable from reality by creating the ultimate VR device, for example.
    • However, I want to say that this is a narrow-minded view trapped in the traditional concept of “objective reality.”

    • We should aim not only to increase the degree of reality sharing but also to have more control over the degree.

      • i.e., We should pursue not only means to increase the degree of reality sharing but also means to decrease it.
        • Each element should be able to increase or decrease the degree of sharing.
      • We should move away from the binary thinking of either completely sharing or not sharing at all and instead view it as a more continuous spectrum.
        • image
          • In the past, the world was like the one on the left, a binary world of either “completely shared” or “not shared at all.”
          • What I want to express on this page is a worldview like the one on the right.
    • I want to call this “smooth sharing of subjective reality.”

    • 🍛 Smooth sharing of “dining experience”

      • Situation:
        • Suppose there is a “metaverse where you can eat.”
        • A wants to eat pizza, but B wants Chinese food.
        • A and B want to go out for a meal together.
      • In this case:
        • If it appears to A that they are “sharing pizza together” and to B that they are “sharing Chinese food together,” both of them will be happy.
        • They are not sharing the element of “what they are eating” in reality.
        • However, they are sharing the experience of “sharing a meal together”!
    • 💬 Smooth sharing of “conversation content”

      • Situation:
        • Suppose two people are having a conversation.
        • A tends to use the adjective X frequently, but B is not comfortable with that expression.
      • In this case:
        • If A can filter or replace the word X before it reaches B, both of them will be happy.
        • I think it is possible to implement such a feature in chat or Zoom.- Smooth sharing of “space”
    • Here, “space” refers to the concept of space in human perception (including virtual spaces like Virtual Reality and platforms like Zoom and

    • Smooth sharing of “space” is similar to the concept of Mixed Reality (MR).

    • The following diagram of “MR” represents the smooth sharing between “virtual space” and “physical space”:

      • image
    • This idea can be extended to the smooth sharing between “virtual space A” and “virtual space B”.

      • For example, in a VR experience, both people can see each other’s bodies, but each person can see the background scenery they want to see.
  • Smooth sharing of “time”

  • Q. Is this a “dystopia”?

    • A. It depends on the definition, but I personally think a world where smooth sharing is possible is better than a world where it is not possible.
      • (Based on the belief that Having Many Options is Justice)
      • In a world with low freedom of control over the degree of “reality sharing”:
        • There are only two choices: strongly share everything or not share anything at all.
        • This results in the so-called Filter Bubble Phenomenon.
      • In a world with high freedom of control over the degree of “reality sharing”:
        • It is possible to smoothly control the degree of sharing and only share the parts that one wants to share.
        • I believe this leads to a world where people can connect with each other more easily.
          • As a result, connections between people may increase, although that is not the main objective.
    • If we are discussing Ethics, it may be better to talk about it in a more specific context.

That’s the abstract, but it became too long.

The following is the main text.

(Being written as of January 22, 2023)

0. About the model of communication

  • There is a model that views communication as the transmission of signals between people.
  • When people live in the same world and share signals on that basis,
  • However, this model assumes an objective reality.
  • I want to capture the subjective experience that is shared during communication, based solely on subjectivity.
    • (This operation is called Transcendental Reduction in Phenomenology).
    • From this perspective, communication can be seen as the co-editing of subjective realities during that shared experience.
  • The “reality” that is shared can take various forms of experiences.
    • There can be sharing of elements from various layers such as sensation, perception, and cognition.
    • Concrete examples include:
      • Face-to-face conversation
        • Sharing the space around oneself.
        • Co-editing that space by overlaying voices and using one’s body to edit “that” space.
          • Recognizing the space from sensory data like vision and sharing it.
      • Slack
        • Sharing the reality of a channel and co-editing it by writing messages there.
      • Google Docs
        • Sharing the reality of a document page and co-editing it.
    • Related: Window Technology
  • In the context of Phenomenology/Phenomenological Sociology, this is a reality with Inter-subjectivity. image image

Communication media are evolving through computers.- Computers have evolved as interfaces through which humans interact with reality.

- Considering the evolution from telephones to online meetings like Zoom to concepts like the Metaverse, computers are evolving towards a direction where reality is shared more completely.
  • For example, in the layers of sensation and perception, there are concrete examples such as:
    • Input devices:
      • Keyboard -> GUI mouse -> Full tracking
    • Output devices:
      • Visual: Black and white TV -> Display -> VRHMD
      • Auditory: Speaker -> Earphones/Headphones -> Wireless with noise cancellation
  • Similarly, the same can be said for more abstract layers.
    • Humans are interacting with the world through software on computers.
    • Examples include Zoom, Twitter, Slack, online news, etc.
  • These are what is known as Computer Mediated Communication.

The ideal form of “good” communication is not complete reality sharing, but rather “loose reality sharing”.

  • “Complete reality sharing”: A state where reality is shared 100%.
    • For example, if a “metaverse” is created that is indistinguishable from traditional reality, it can be said to completely share reality.
  • However,
  • “Loose reality sharing”
    • 10
  • It can also be seen as the process of increasing the abstraction level of the “shared reality”.

Concrete Example 1: Partial language sharing through language abstraction and machine translation.

  • For example, automatic translation in Zoom Webinars.
    • Although the actual audio reality is not shared, the meaning of words is shared at a more abstract level.

Concrete Example 2: Partial time sharing through time abstraction and virtual time experiences.

  • “Time” can also be seen as part of the elements of experience.

  • There are two elements:

    • Where it is positioned in physical time.
      • (Assuming there is no relativity in physics)
      • This is the element of synchronicity.
    • The temporal order and duration of the experience.
  • WIP

  • => Proposal for Non-Turn-Based Communication with Voice

  • Git vs Google Docs