from Introduction to Modern Thought


  • The idea of deconstruction focuses on the fluctuation of the boundary between binary oppositions.

  • I feel that the attitude of questioning the current models/structures is fundamental to science (blu3mo).

    • It’s strange that philosophy didn’t have a name for this attitude until this era.
  • My reflection in 627dfec579e1130000d365cc is exactly the thinking that reflects on structuralism and moves towards post-structuralism (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo).

  • There is a gray zone where passivity and activity push and pull against each other, intertwining and unfolding, and that is where the reality of life lies.

    • I understand the deconstruction of passivity and activity.
    • But what is the “reality of life” (blu3mo)?
      • I want to read this again after finishing.
  • 脱構築 on the Village Pump