
It’s like a frustration that cannot be expressed in words, only humans can feel it.

  • Computers can accurately exchange data.

  • Things that disappear immediately, can’t they be discussed?

    • No, words also disappear quickly.
    • Is there anything happy about disappearing?
      • Like snapvjat, for example.
      • It disappears in an instant, but the combination of synchronization and pseudo-motivation allows you to look back at it.
  • Cooking

    • It is important whether to make it possible to erase other people’s cooking on kineto.
    • If it cannot be erased, it will accumulate without changing.
      • It may also be possible to create a mechanism where accumulation becomes a change.
      • The process of change.
  • Nuka Bot

    • Like allowing microorganisms to speak and live.
    • This seems to be connected to the question of whether it is okay to make the dead speak.