[@manabuueno’s Driving UI]
If user requests are directly translated into functions, it can end up being useless. Designers need to abstract user requests to find the fundamental principles behind them. For example, instead of offering three buttons for requests like “want to go straight,” “want to turn left,” “want to turn right,” designers should propose a single handle.
It’s impressive how the interest in Interface is so well articulated.
It might be possible to talk about wanting to achieve this (not just on the screen UI but in the entire experience)
- Doing mathematics in the context of “experience” (Theory of Knowledge-ish)
- Technology is the tool I prefer to use for this purpose
- Discussions on human senses (like VR studies) are merely means to achieve goals
Q. Is there any significance in generalizing experiences? Isn’t diversity and complexity better?
- This is something I’d like to explore
- Regarding diversity, one could argue that generalization leads to expanding definitions, so diversity is important
- What about complexity? Unlike mathematics, it relates to human experiences and what emotions are desirable
- This area is crucial, and I want to ponder on it in the future
- This seems to intersect with Design and I’d like to discuss it with axokxi
- Does it relate to Entropy as well? (rough understanding)
- http://ekrits.jp/2015/04/1607/
By intentionally creating order with our own hands, we acquire design
- Whether in urban design, architecture, or UI design, all aim to reduce entropy by structuring
The sandbox nature of GUI creates comfort and fun.
- Isn’t generalization about fun?
- But math is fun; I don’t get this part
Actually, this seems like the opposite of Art’s perspective?
- Randomness, complexity
From an exam perspective, creating good (interesting) UI that connects with these discussions around Kineto UI seems appealing Also,
Talks about Research and Vision
Finding the “fundamental principles” and using technology as a means to achieve them
In a way, it’s similar to mathematics
- Generalizing
- Generalizing left, right, straight into one concept
- Expanding
- Through generalization, analog expressions (like turning 10 or 20 units) become possible
- #simplifying things
- Generalizing
Tangible and Digital Nature are ultimately doing the same thing
- Generalizing pixel (digital) and tangible (analog) items into Radical Atoms?