Physics IA ended up reaching the deadline in a somewhat incomplete state.
- It was a case of incomplete combustion.
- Reflecting on it.
Unlike the TOK Essay or History IA, progress cannot be quantitatively measured by word count.
- Although word count can be measured, graphs and table data are irrelevant, so the numbers don’t mean much.
So, I went to sleep thinking, “I should be able to finish this task with the remaining time” based on my intuition.
- (When I was working on the TOK Essay, I gradually understood how many words I could write in a given time, so I could estimate based on the remaining time.)
In the end, I feel like the following:
- /mitoujr2021/締め切りのあるプロジェクトの進め方のコツ
- I submitted it in a state similar to the third example in “Not like this.”
- (nishio)/nishio/締め切りのあるプロジェクトの進め方のコツ
- Public version
- Creating Things That Work Even When Small