Regarding competitive programming coaching, here are some things I think are necessary at each level (aside from solving past problems). image @E869120 June 18, 2021


  • I started doing AtCoder because I saw it often on TL (timeline).
  • I participated in ABC for a few months, but then I stopped doing it due to tests and other things. 2019-12-20
  • I started doing AOJ at school and decided to resume competitive programming.
  • I progressed through the Algorithms course on AOJ. 2020-06
  • Untrodden 2020 started, but I lost motivation after reaching the green level, so I quit. 2021-3
  • I’m thinking of starting again.
  • Competitive Programming Rehabilitation 2021 2022-2
  • With the exams over, I’m determined to do it this time.
  • Competitive Programming Rehabilitation 2022

(I feel like the timing of starting and quitting coincides with (momeemt))

By the way, in terms of solving ABC-D problems, here is a rough priority list for important data structures, algorithms, and techniques. The higher ones are more important. ・DP (Dynamic Programming) ・Cumulative sum, imos method ・Union-Find tree ・bit operations (when doing exhaustive search with choices) ・mod operations (Fermat’s little theorem) ・Binary search

  • I plan to study these topics.


  • I reached the green level.

  • I want to continue at this pace and aim for the blue level.

    • Once I reach the blue level, I may not aim for higher levels anymore.
  • Thoughts

    • I frequently feel amazed by the presence of geniuses.
      • Especially when I see elegant solutions.
