• People’s Definitions

  • My Definition

    • There are two types of art: entertainment-based art and context-based art.
      • The definition of entertainment-based art is something that influences the emotions of the viewer.
      • The definition of context-based art is something that influences the thoughts of the viewer.
    • Something like that?
    • It varies depending on the recipient.
  • Commonly said about contemporary art: “I can do that too.”

    • Response 1: Well, it’s actually difficult = mainly referring to the definition of entertainment-based art.
    • Response 2: But you didn’t do it = mainly referring to the definition of context-based art.
  • This can also be said about software development.

    • “I can do that too.”
      • Response 1: Well, it’s actually difficult = doing technically advanced things (or maybe even business-related things).
      • Response 2: But you didn’t do it = the so-called Columbus’s egg phenomenon.
    • Art and software development can be compared.
  • Another possible definition

    • Definition of art = “something that changes randomly”
    • Science and civilization progress solely through incremental accumulation towards a single direction of “truth.”
    • Art sometimes returns to the past (Renaissance) or undergoes revolutions (contemporary art)
      • Messy? Has a sense of randomness, no fixed direction of progress.
    • Macro perspective: The development of humanity is impossible with just incremental science; art with randomness is also necessary.
      • Being solely incremental leads to getting stuck in a local optimum, randomness provides clues to break free from it.
      • Something like that?
    • Micro perspective: When stuck with ideas, looking at art brings external stimuli and is beneficial.
    • The idea of wanting to do something new is old
      • Talking about something similar.
