Even if You Only Do HCI Research Expanding Technologies Already Implemented for Consumers, It Seems That You Will Not Reach Your Goal

I have a longing for “research that paved the way for VR 30 years ago,” and if I were to conduct research using consumer-oriented VR devices in 2023, there might be a sense of urgency that I would not reach that goal (blu3mo).

People who have established a vision in response to questions like “How should future computers and displays be?” and conducted research on it.

I conveyed this image to (chatgpt).

  • Ivan Sutherland: Often referred to as the “father of computer graphics,” Sutherland developed the Sketchpad in the early 1960s, considered the first graphical user interface. He also created the Sword of Damocles in 1968, one of the first head-mounted displays, laying the groundwork for modern VR.

  • Douglas Engelbart: Known for the Mother of All Demos in 1968, Engelbart showcased the potential of computer-human interaction. He introduced the computer mouse, hypertext, and the concept of collaborative real-time editing.

  • Alan Kay: A visionary in computer science, Kay proposed the Dynabook concept in the 1970s, a personal computer for children of all ages. This idea was a precursor to modern tablets. He’s also known for his work on object-oriented programming and the Smalltalk programming language.

  • Jaron Lanier: Often credited with coining the term “Virtual Reality,” Lanier founded VPL Research in the 1980s, one of the first companies to sell VR goggles and gloves.

  • Mark Weiser: Known for introducing the concept of Ubiquitous Computing in the late 1980s, Weiser envisioned a world where computing is seamlessly integrated into everyday objects and activities.

    • Ubiquitous
    • Mark Weiser’s life is really cool.
      • If asked to choose one role model for my current life, it would be Mark Weiser.
  • Brenda Laurel: A pioneer in the intersection of computers, human beings, and theater, Laurel’s work has focused on interface design and interactive narrative. Her book “Computers as Theatre” is a seminal read in HCI.

  • Myron Krueger: Known for his early work on interactive environments and artificial reality, Krueger developed VIDEOPACE, an interactive system that allowed users to manipulate digital objects in real-time.

  • Nicholas Negroponte: Founder of the MIT Media Lab, Negroponte has been a proponent of the integration of design and technology. His book “Being Digital” delves into the shift from atoms to bits, predicting many of the digital trends we see today.

    • I didn’t know about him.
  • I want to think about the texts written by these people to show their vision, the processes taken to bring it to concrete implementation, the skills used for it, and so on.