
</tkgshn-private/2023/2/10 copied and pasted> Please provide a concise explanation of the content while describing the branching structure of the branches as the bullet indentation becomes deeper.


This discussion mainly revolves around entrepreneurship and decision-making in life. The flow of the conversation branches out as follows:

On entrepreneurship and decision-making in life: 1.1. Does entrepreneurship increase the freedom of decision-making? 1.1.1. Hacking management and capitalism to make autonomous decisions Entrepreneurship as a world-line full-stack engineer 1.2. Decision-making from scratch 1.2.1. Factors that hinder decision-making from scratch External rules and relationships 1.2.2. The difference between relying on others’ decision-making and living autonomously On how to proceed with entrepreneurship and projects: 2.1. Recommending entrepreneurship 2.2. Advancing projects with grants In summary, the discussion revolves around entrepreneurship and decision-making in life, discussing ideas such as increased decision-making freedom through entrepreneurship and the importance of decision-making from scratch. Additionally, suggestions are made to recommend entrepreneurship and to advance projects by obtaining grants.