Work: TOK Presentation

  • Miscellaneous memo

    • Analyze Scrapbox
      • Something about the language WoK and the connection of knowledge, or computer support in knowledge production
    • Analyze TOK Curriculum (essays, etc.)
    • Meta-analysis of SDGs
  • KQ should be derived from RLS, it’s better to have KQ derived from RLS rather than the other way around.

  • RLS should serve as a springboard, generally leading to abstract discussions.

  • KQ must follow:

    • About knowledge
    • Open-ended, with no single, obvious answer
    • General, not limited to a single discipline
      • (But one AOK is fine) (Different from an essay)
  • Regarding managebac forms:

    • Instead of being descriptive, arguments should be clearly stated.
    • Instead of “explaining X,” it should be written as “X is…”
    • This is K and Oka’s opinion.
  • Dangers:

    • Psychology: It stops at behavior and cannot delve into discussions about knowledge or thinking.
      • Once the discussion of the unconscious starts, it’s over.
    • Ethics:
      • The key is how people make ethical decisions, not the discussion of ethics itself.

  • It would be good to have sub-KQs, each backed by RLS.
  • The TOK essay doesn’t have to follow a strict and organized format.
    • It doesn’t have to have a perfect contrast between claim and counterclaim.