
Official Name: Gunma Kokusai Academy


  • It is a school that students attend from elementary to high school (blu3mo).

  • In order to produce exceptional students in the countryside, it seems like a great move to “make them able to speak English.”

    • In Gunma, it is difficult to access various resources (like cultural capital) compared to Tokyo.
    • If students can read and write in English, they can compensate for this (especially when combined with the internet).
      • I personally think that I have benefited a lot from being able to speak English in various information-related studies.
  • I recently realized how great it is to create this environment in the countryside.

    • At least without GKA, I wouldn’t have been able to consider applying to universities in the United States.

  • Write about my own thoughts and observations (201912)

    • I think it’s useful to understand the characteristics of the education I am receiving.
  • (Please refer to the official website for an overview, the following is purely my personal thoughts)

  • Consistent education from elementary to high school (12 years)#elementary school#middle school#high school

  • English immersion

    • More than half of the teachers are foreigners.
  • IB (International Baccalaureate)

    • It is rare to have a filter on whether to proceed with the IB course.
    • In the countryside of Gunma, it seems difficult to maintain the quality of teachers.
      • In this aspect, I think GKA is making quite an effort.
  • Starting from 5th grade, students can choose a musical instrument to learn in class (trumpet).

  • Freedom

    • Able to take leave of absence.
    • Various extracurricular activities, especially focused on Rails.
      • Tobitate/Career Koshien/WSC/FLL
    • Teachers are quite flexible.
      • A teacher who teaches about the Holocaust for two years in World History class (quite intense).
      • A teacher who assigns academic essays in Contemporary Society class.
      • Big History curriculum (failed).
      • Reading Plus
    • (Based on recent experiences, I might say “it used to be free”)
  • Elementary section specific:

    • JumpRightIn curriculum
    • Science Journal
    • Phoenix
  • Old GKA