Sakura Oukaichimon a.k.a VR Sensei (@oukaichimon)
#xr Creative Awards The website is now open! There are many more awards, so I hope everyone can feel free to participate and submit as if buying a lottery ticket. Write your ideas and submit them on Twitter with the hashtag#xr Creative Awards. It’s also okay to write on Note or Pixiv and provide the link.
I want to give it a try.
It feels meaningful to write specifically about what makes me happy after being able to remove the constraints of physical time.
- If I don’t do this, it seems like I’ll just be spinning abstract words, which I want to avoid.
- Something like How Does Enabling Freedom Help??
It seems like it would be good practice to write an essay that is interesting in terms of writing.
- Instead of just listing my thoughts, I should think about how to structure it to sustain interest and draw attention to the points I want to emphasize.
- I thought about making it like a novel, but it seems better to explore my own unique style of writing.
Deadline: August 31st.