四季関数+melville&sxsrf=ALeKk02lgfiA0Sy-zcPIIn2xOUB5ULcyXw:1617598430780&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=D8ySYin6fxTKQM%2CT8d2VSSB4Af8FM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTUrICg7xRC3_D29KE6PEakMHAfLw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9-Ovep-bvAhWXad4KHVXdDmcQ9QF6BAgSEAE#imgrc=1jK6KNjeG5GuVM - 凍結されちゃったけどGoogle 画像には残ってた image image image image image

これでいうと凍結期間中に研究してたやつがあります これはパスカルの三角錐の5段目ですが、これは赤関数の5乗と関係しています これを踏まえると双曲線関数のそれは、パスカルの三角錐ではなく”パスカルの二角錐”とでも呼びたい気持ちになります

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The Google Images link seems to be frozen, but the images are still available. Here are the images:

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There is also a tweet from Melville with the following content:

During the freeze period, I was researching something. This is the 5th row of Pascal’s triangle, which is related to the 5th power of the red function. Based on this, I feel like calling the hyperbolic function the “Pascal’s biconical function” instead.

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